Chapter 4

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He walked over to the bookshop and looked around for the man he had seen Belle talking to. The man sighted him first and greeted.

"Bonjour Monsieur, what can I get for you today sir?"

Adam looked at the man squarely and answered, "I would like to know where Belle resides."

The man seemed a bit taken aback by Adam's question and stops to process it for a while.

"Belle, you say?", the man asked.

" Yes Belle, I saw her walk out of here not too long ago, she seemed acquainted with you, so I thought it good to find out if you knew her residence. I'd like to know where she stays.", Adam orders.

"Please take no offence in my words, good sir, but I'm not sure why you would be under the impression that I would willingly tell you that information. For all I know, you are stranger here, seeing as you don't know how things work in this town. Your intentions towards her could be on the negative side. You don't look like such a person, but then, looks could all be deceiving." ,the man tells Adam.

Adam sighs before speaking again, "I was afraid you might say that, seeing that you a sensible nobleman. To be frank with you, kind sir, I have no reassurance that I mean Belle no harm except my word. All I can give you is my word; the word of a nobleman -like yourself- looking for such beautiful damsel."

As Adam spoke he tried to look as humble and noble as he could in means to convince the man.

The man looks at Adam carefully again and shakes his head in defeat before he speaks.

"You don't seem to be from around here. Everyone in the man own knows the tale of the damsel Belle."

"I do not know what you speak of, good sir.", Adam replies a little confused.

" The young Belle is torn between crossroads right now. It started when she fell in love with the Beast prince that lives in the castles out of this town. But the Beast prince was killed by Gaston, a local hero in our town, out of jealously three months ago. Gaston was filled with jealously and hate for the prince and Belle for loving him. Gaston took Belle as prisoner even after he had killed his rival because he knew the prince still had Belle's heart. But now, Gaston did the worst and took over the prince's castle and carried Belle with him."

Adam is shocked at the words of  the bookkeeper especially the part involving his castle takeover, but the bookkeeper doesn't notice Adam's discomfort and continues.

"...You may have good intentions for the dear maiden but trying to come into her life right now won't do either of you good. Also considering the fact that Gaston has his eyes on her all the time. I pity the child, she still misses her love."

Adam, wanting to know more about Belle, decides to pry into the matter more.

"But why doesn't she leave the castle if she doesn't love Gaston?", Adam asks curiously.

The man turned and faced Adam in shock, laughed and replied, " You seem quite interested in her, young man. Belle is a sensible, agreeable and selfless young maiden while Gaston is ruthless and irrational. He took her father captive and threatens to put him in the asylum if Belle tries to leave him. Belle loves her father dearly and would rather stay captive than see her father in that condition."

Adam recalls when he, as a beast, had imprisoned her father and she was willing to take his place. He knew she was selfless like that.

"But is her father crazy?", Adam asks.

" No, not at all, Maurice is perfectly sane."

"So how does Gaston have the right to do that?"

"Gaston has the upper hand in the town. He already bribed the doctors at the asylum and brainwashed most of the townsmen so convincing the people won't be hard. Belle is stuck; her only hope could have been her Beast prince, but he's gone."

Adam had had enough, he couldn't take hearing anymore of it. He had to act now and fast. He had failed Belle and his servants before but not again, he would redeem them and himself.

He would take his love back; he would give her hope again and he would make Gaston regret his actions. Adam made up his mind as decided to look for Belle.

He would make her see him, the new him, the him her love brought back and she would love him again, he was sure of that. First, he had to find her.

He stood up, thanked the man then started out. He had to find her before she got back to the castle. She had to see him and she would.

A/N: Sorry for the late update...this is just a filler chapter...more juicy stuff will come later.
How do you think it will play out, I definitely want them to meet too, comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote.

Love you all...

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