Chapter 7

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Been almost a week...enjoy!!!


They arrived at the castle; all the men including Gaston and Adam. The castle was colder and darker than it had been when the Beast left.

Adam knew the rest of his household would have been turned to normal now seeing that the curse had been lifted from him so why was the exterior of the castle looking the same, even worse?

They went into the castle, Gaston leading the way. The inside of the castle was also the same but reeked of much more sadness and inactivity. Adam had never seen his castle so bleak and without any form of joy.

He knew he shouldn't go far following Gaston because some of his servants might recognize him. He had to contact Cogworths and Lumiere and relay his idea to them. He readied to find a way to leave the escort when Gaston suddenly spoke.

"Adam, welcome to my castle.", he said opening his arms wide trying to take in all of the castle.

"Anything that works, lives or even breathes in here, does so by my orders. I have favoured you and given you the privilege to serve my queen. If you do a good job, you will be rewarded accordingly, but if she makes one complaint, or I perceive any sort of slip up from you, I will kill you."

"Expect nothing less than perfection from me.", Adam replied.

" In that case, we shall be good friends. My queen is in the east wing, alert her of your presence."

"Okay", Adam turned and left. But Gaston continued speaking, his back turned unaware that Adam had left.

" My man will show you the way...", Gaston turned and saw that Adam had left.

"Where is he?", Gaston asked.

" He went immediately you stated where she was.", one man said.

"But I wonder if he knows his way around, the castle is quite large.", another man added.

Series of thoughts crossed Gaston's mind as he tilted his head in skepticism, staring at the door Adam passed through. He shrugged it off and continue walking towards his chambers with his men.


Meanwhile Adam surfed through the halls effortlessly and made his way to the kitchen where he knew Mrs. Potts would be and hopefully Cogworths and Lumiere.

When he entered, it was like a cemetery, it was filled with servants but the atmosphere reeked of lifelessness. Everyone just slugged their way around doing their chores and preparing the meals as opposed to how he remembered always coming to stop them from singing back then, because they were always so full of life and were very much loud. No one even noticed his entrance and in a way he was happy for that.

He spotted Mrs Potts by the stove at the extreme and started towards her. She had leaned and was looking paler than before. She turned around and saw him. Confusion flooded her eyes as she stared at him, but after while recognition came, then her eyes lit up and a smile spoiled her once moody look.

She walked slowly to him, careful as if he might disappear if she was too sudden. As she was near, she stopped and asked,
"Master Adam?"

He smiled as he nodded yes then her smiled spread wider. Pools of tears he didn't know she was holding poured down her eyes. He stood awkwardly watching her cry then he stretched out his hand to shake her, unsure of what to do when such strong emotion was directed at him.

When she saw the hand, she shook her head then drew him in for a hug. He was shocked at the gesture but warmed up to it and hugged her back. He had missed her, the woman that was like a mother to him.

They sat and she started asking him about everything that happened and he told her everything. He also told her his plans for saving them from Gaston. She narrated how everything played out till the present, then she sent a servant to get Cogworths and Lumiere for them.

Before Cogworths and Lumiere could arrive, a servant had come and summoned Adam to Gaston's room so he had to leave. But he instructed Mrs Potts to spread the news of his return around to only members of their household and tell them that they would be meeting him soon, but for now if they see or recognize him, they shouldn't show it because of the rest of Gaston's men watching everyone, until their meeting the next day when Gaston will be absent. Also he said to tell them that there will be a plan to take their home back, so they should all cheer up and look forward to it and Belle was to know none of this until he met her and told her himself.

Before night fell, the news had spread through to the rightful recipients with impeccable discretion. Adam knew this because of the knowing looks he shared with several of his servants as he passed them about in the castle.

He had not met with Belle yet because she had locked herself in her room and had refused coming out or seeing anyone since they arrived the castle. He was glad she was giving Gaston a hard time dealing with her but he also wished it wouldn't lead to Gaston's rage towards her which it always did.

He was going to meet her now after the much waiting. Gaston had gone himself to bring her out. Adam wished above everything he could be there to see what Gaston did to her but he couldn't. For now he was seated in his library waiting when Gaston walked in with Belle behind him.

Her head was lowered to the ground and her shoulders slouched in her gown. Her arms were bruised from forceful pulling and manhandling. Seeing her arms like that made Adam furious. He clenched his fists together trying to prevent himself from pouncing on Gaston like a mad man.

Gaston gestured for him to stand which he did. Then Gaston introduced them.
"Adam, this is Belle, my queen. Belle, this is your new guard, Adam. Lift your eyes and see him."

Adam spoke, "At your service, Lady Belle"

That voice, she knew it from somewhere, she had heard it before, she had heard it recently too. She yanked her head up so fast to see the person.

It was him, the one she had been thinking of since earlier today. The one that has her Beast's eyes. She took in his face and features again. There was a reason she thought he looked like the Beast because he looked a lot like him. Rather, he looked like the human Beast, even if she hadn't met that him before, she had a nudge that this is what he would look like.
She met his eyes again, it held so much familiarity.

The Beast's eyes had been what she had used to know the real him back then when his body was different. And now, she knew it was the same eyes she stared into, she was convinced of that. It was him, it was her Beast, she knew it and knew that he knew that she knew it. She could tell from the way he looked back at her.

He was back and alive. The Beast was back, her Beast.

"Beast", she whispered.

A/N: Hey guys!!! So I'm working on doing longer chapters so here's a start.
I personally love this chapter and sorry for the cliffhanger.

As stupid as this might sound, I'm so excited,the book has gotten almost a 100 reads. Call me crazy but I'm mad excited for that.
Thanks a lot guys, keep reading and I'll keep posting as much as I can.

I need more photos for this book, plus I think I might add a cast.
So tell me what you think about the cast thing and also about the story.
I'm open to all your opinions.

Plus, did I forget to say I love you all, well if that's the case, you have it then...I love you all

Enjoy reading and peace out!

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