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Something I wrote over the summer that took me a heck of a lot of time to reformat because I wrote every sentence in a different part - I had a rough day today on top of a messy past few months, so editing together something pure (for lack of a better term heh) like this was sort of therapeutic. I still feel terrible, but a calm terrible.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

In which daily park visits turn into a daily romance (meant to be a multiple part story, so the ending is a bit odd. Sorry about that)
Warnings: none (yet)

I saw a pretty girl today.

I saw a cute guy today.

I didn't have the courage to say hi.

I tried waving, but he shied away.

I gave up and decided to just go home

Once he left, there was no point in sticking around.

The next day I went back to that same park.

The next day my boyfriend took me on a date.

She never showed up.

I felt terrible, because all I could think about was that guy from the park.

I had a photography class later that day.

That night, I couldn't sleep.

Our homework was to go out and get some candids.

I woke up exhausted and without anything to do.

The next day I took my camera to the park.

I decided to go for a walk and subconsciously took myself to the park.

I saw a lovely bird in the grass and looked into my camera.

There was this pretty bluejay hopping in the grass.

As soon as I zoomed in, my breath caught up in my chest.

I crept closer and kneeled down by the bird, yet it didn't fly away.

It was her, the girl from before.

The bird hopped closer and tilted its head.

Breath-taken, I accidentally let my finger slip.

I couldn't help but smile.


I heard a faint shutter sound and looked up.

I don't think I've ever moved faster in my life.

I frowned; no one was there.

After a few moments, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and peered around the tree.

Then, the boy from before appeared from behind a tree.

I noticed the bird had flown away.

I noticed he had a camera in his hands.

She stood up, a frown breaking through that pretty face.

"Did you take a picture of me?"

My breath hitched.

He stiffened up and fumbled with his camera, his awkwardness kind of cute.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"You have a camera in your hands, dude."

My arms started shaking as I shook my head.

"Just delete it then."

"Look, there's been a misundersta-"

"I know you took one, so just delete it, please."


I was taken aback.

She wouldn't respond for a few seconds, and I got worried.

"Why would you want a photo of me, anyway?"

I ducked my head, afraid to say it.

He turned red and lowered his gaze.

"You're beautiful."


To be continued...<3

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