Drinking Bottled Love Now

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Warnings: angst
(Also this one isn't as good as the rest, but even then all my poems are trash so here I guess)

She sits on dirty carpet floors
with Time 'zine open on thighs
Something taps at the window glass
Fairy lights gleam in her eyes

She crosses the room with bated breath
Window latch unlocked
His curly hair stands down below
"I'm sorry. We need to talk."

Her silence speaks louder than words
while he sings his heartfelt goodbyes
It's only when he drives away
that she goes back up and cries

She sits on dirty carpet floors
Something sweet to eat nearby
She hears a noise from down below
as the fairy lights drain from her eyes

She descends down the apartment stairs
as the neighbor opens his door
One final scream and her mother looks down
She ain't got a father no more

She can't say a word nor offer her heart
to the woman now broken by love
So she deems it best to shut up for good
And lock herself away up above

She sits on dirty carpet floors
A love song gracing the air
It's all she can do to hold back her tears
And try oh so hard not to care

It's not even him anymore, for certain
It's the way her fingers feel so cold
The empty space beside her shoulder
Speaks distances of stories untold

Still, she chokes back her mind's reeling
And drowns her sorrows in mind-numbing drink
Yeah, she's drinking bottled love now
So that, tonight, she won't ever have to think

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