18. I. Am. Disgusted.

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Chapter Eighteen: "I. Am. Disgusted."

"I think I'm in love." Noah said in awe with his jaw almost dropped the the floor. 

"Me too." I agreed, drool almost escaping my mouth as I licked my lips. 

We were at Waterboro High's Fall Festival and they were bringing out the food trucks. They had everything from salty fries to fried oreo's. It was like a dream. 

"Would you two stop obsessing over the food and get back behind the booth?" Anya groaned as she stomped her foot. 

Yeah, I forgot to mention me and Noah had to run a booth with my ex best friend, Anya Hilton. Or as me and Noah called her, ugly snake. It was quite a surprise when I woke up the next morning of home coming to my dad yelling at me for getting wasted on the fruit punch. Apparently one of the chaperones found me and Noah laying in the middle of the floor making 'snow angels' so she made us getting up and walk in a straight line and when we failed that test we got sent to Mr. Jeffersons office and he called our parents. I tried telling him almost everyone at home coming was drunk, high, or both but he wouldn't listen to me. We told him it was the punch and we didn't know it was spiked and he had the guts to say we were probably the ones who spiked it. That's the short version of how we ended up here doing community school service. Anya being the goody she is of course was already on the student council committee and somehow we had bad enough luck to be put in a booth with her. The only good part about this is that the booth we're running is the Pie Eating Booth so that we get to watch people with their hands tied behind their back getting pie all in their face. It's kind of funny. 

"We've been watching people eating pie since four o'clock and its six now! Please just let us eat!" Noah begged as I nodded my head in agreement. 

"You can have a pie! Now get back here." Anya rolled her eyes as we slowly walked back to the booth, the delicious food from the trucks still on our mind. Anya handed us two small pies. Me and Noah reached to get plastic forks but she stopped us,

"No, no, no!" She smirked in amusement. "If you're going to be eating pie for free you'll be eating it like everyone else."

"W-what?!" I staggered back as she took the cup of forks and placed them on the grass. So unsanitary. 

"You heard me, now all we need are the rest of our contestants so you guy's can finally eat." Anya stated with a very pleased look on her face. She went back to tending the booth as me and Noah shared a look of frustration.

All we wanted was to eat our food in peace.

"That'll be two dollars." Anya informed one of our customers as I snapped my head to look at the people buying tickets. 

"A-are you crazy?! Two dollars to eat a small pie?! Half of it will end up on my face instead of in my stomach regardless... This is bullshit!" Chris complained as Anya placed her hands on her hip. 

"This is for a school fundraiser, to make up for the amount of property damaged caused at home coming. Pay up or beat it Chris." Anya glared at him as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah! Beat it Chris!" Noah hollered from the back of the booth. 

"Guy's, get your butts up here to the picnic table or no pie for you!" Anya demanded as we slowly made our ways to the picnic table where the pie eating was held and sat down beside each other, our heads lowered in shame. 

"I don't want pie all over my face." Noah pouted as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You have it easy, girls will call you hot for having whip cream all over your face, but as for me they'd call me disgusting." I scoffed as he frowned. 

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