33. Starbucks

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Chapter Thirty Three: "Starbucks"

"Ashely!" Someone called to me from across the street.

"Yeah?" I snapped my head to the left only to see Vince and a few older dudes standing around him. Vince motioned for the dudes to wait for him as he made his way across the street. He wore a black hat, a black supreme hoodie, and black adidas sweat pants; the ones that literally everybody has. 

"What are you doing in this area?" He tilted his head to the side as he stuffed his hands in his pants pockets.

"Just going for a walk." I shrug casually as he nods his head understandably. 

"Ah, the boys and I were just hanging out but I could ditch them if you'd like to hang out?" Vince said, sounding more of a question than a statement. 

"That sounds good I guess." I whisper, pursing my lips. I watched as Vince waved his friends off as we began to walk.

"Where to?" He asked me, adjusting his hat.

"Starbucks?" I raised an eyebrow, nodding towards the Starbucks that was literally beside us. 

"Ight." Vince agreed as we headed into the Starbucks. We approached the counter where you order and I scanned over the menu quickly before deciding what I wanted.

"Welcome to Starbucks, what would you like to order?" The woman behind the counter in her green and white with a few shades of black here and there asks Vince and I.

"I'd like a mango black ice tea." I told her. 

"What size would that be?" She raises an eyebrow as she goes over to where the cups are held. 

"The biggest size." I respond, not really knowing whatever language they speak their with their sizes of cups. She grabs a big cup and writes the drink name on it before handing it to a guy who was behind the counter as well. She then proceeded to come back to take Vince's order.

"And you young man?" The woman shifted her eyes to Vince who was beside me.

"Same thing as her I guess." He told her in which the woman nodded as she went to get his cup. We moved towards the counter where you go and collect the drinks. As we waited for our drinks to be finished I hear the noise of the door swinging open and the little entrance bells dinging. I snap my neck to look at the person who entered Starbucks and my face pales.

Of course it HAD to be Noah and Oliver. 

I mean, it could of been worse. It could of been Noah and that pretty bitch. I know how much Noah hates Vince though. And I don't know for sure but I think he is pretty mad at me too?

At first they don't see me so I pull up my hood in hopes to keep it that way. I hear the girl call out our orders and Vince and I collect them, sliding into a booth swiftly. We were out of their view now which I was thankful of. Shortly after though, I hear the lady call out two other orders and I hear footsteps followed by familiar voices approach the booth directly behind me. I was closets to the booth so thankfully they wouldn't be able to see me. The bad part is I could hear them.

"Is that Oliver and Noah?" I heard Vince whisper to me, leaning closer to my side of the booth so he wouldn't have to risk having Noah hear him. 

"Yeah." I mumble back to him. 

"I guess I'll have to try and hide then." Vince laughs humorously, keeping his low tone.

"Same here." I chuckle quietly. 

"Wait why?" Vince then asks.

"Long story. Tell you later." I inform him as I take a sip of my drink. I begin to listen in on Noah and Oliver's conversation out of curiosity, of course.

"Any plans?" Noah asks Oliver in a cheery voice.

"Plans? Plans for what?" Oliver repeats, chuckling slightly. A loud sip of a drink is audible. 

"For college, duh!" Noah laughs at Oliver's obliviousness. 

"Oh." Oliver mumbles a response. "But Senior year literally just started one and half months ago."

"Yeah, but, I already have it all planned out." Noah informs Oliver in a cheeky voice. 

"Same here." Oliver replies casually, taking a sip of his drink. "I'm going to attempt to get into UNC on a Lacrosse scholarship." 

"Nice man!" Noah muses, high fiving him.

"Yeah." Oliver chuckles. "Even though it's a difficult college to get into on a scholarship, I think if I work hard enough on my grades and persevere a lot this year during Lacrosse games maybe I'll get in." Oliver tells Noah enthusiastically. He sounded so happy. Like a kid. If they saw me I'd probably ruin their moods.

"How could any coach turn down Oliver Allen?" Noah beams, probably grinning at his best friend.

"You sure?" Oliver chuckled back at him.

"I'm positive dude. I've known you since fourth grade man, you're a legend!" Noah exclaims.

I wish I had a friendship like theirs right now. 

More specifically, I wish I had them back.

"Thanks Noah." Oliver mumbles.

"Anytime man!" Noah reassures him. "That's what I'm here for."


After Vince and I managed to sneak out of Starbucks undetected we decided to head to Andrews. Currently we were just chilling in the drink room on our phones. Not for drinking though, it's just because the drink room has a ton of bean bags.

"Did you see Nathan's snapchat story?" Andrew blurts, causing us to all look up from our phones and at Andrew.

"No, why?" I raised a eyebrow along with Vince who looked equally curious. 

"He's with Penelope." Andrew told us with a scoff. My eyes widened right away as I thought back to when I went to apologize to Noah and she was about to tell him she loved him.

She is more of a mind fuck then I am! That is so unfair. But I guess I can see that Oliver is just overprotective of Noah seeing how sensitive Noah can be. 

"Slut." I commented under my breath causing Andrew and Vince to let out a laugh as everyones eyes went back to their own devices. 

"True." Vince agrees. "She tried to get with me as well but I rejected her."

"Same here." Andrew laughs. "She tried to kiss me while she was dating Noah but of course I pushed her away. I didn't tell Noah though cause I wouldn't want to hurt him more than he already was. That girl is one animal."

"Damn." I muttered, scrolling through snapchat stories. I pressed on Nathan's and when the screen showed a photo of Penelope and him on a fariss wheel my blood began to boil. The next snap on his story was a video. It showed Penelope going up to random people and hugging them while Nathan snickered behind the camera. "Disgusting." I commented, referring to Nathan's snap story.

"What?" Andrew and Vince asked in unison. 

"Nathan's story." I replied casually, not taking my eyes off my phone.

"I know right." Vince mumbled.

Next I played Oliver's story. The first video was from around four, it showed Noah in Starbucks at their booth. He was making silly faces while Oliver put a funny filter on him. The next video was from around six thirty, It was of Noah again, he was running through traffic while cars attempted to dodge him. Then some lady gave him the middle finger from her car while Oliver was heard snickering in the background. 

I miss them.

I think it's time I apologize the proper way. 

This time I won't let some bitch get in my way. 

A/N: UH, I have to shower for a party tonight ugh.

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