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Calvin walked up the stairs, aware of the eyes on his back. Someone was following him.

He walked into the bathroom and pulled his shirt off. Then he turned around and met his mother's gaze. "I'm gonna get naked soon. So you might want to give me some privacy."

She shook her head, her blonde hair moving around her shoulders. "I can't leave you alone, Cal. Especially if I don't think you'll be okay alone."

"I'm just going to get a shower. The hospital soap smells bad."

She narrowed her eyes. "I'm not leaving."

Calvin rolled his eyes and kicked his shoes off before stepping into the shower. He stripped down and tossed the clothes over the curtain.

He wanted to stay in the shower. He wanted more time to himself. But after the incident, he didn't want his mother to worry anymore than she already was.

"Can you like look away so I can get out?" Calvin called over the curtain.

"I've seen you naked before, you know."

"Mom, come on. Please?"

"I'm only turning around. Don't think I'm giving you any privacy."

Calvin got out and put his gym shorts on. He dried himself off before leaving the bathroom. He went to his room and pulled a sweatshirt on before laying down on his bed.

His phone was completely water-logged and he didn't even ask for another one. He didn't want to talk to anyone anyway.

He wanted to watch TV but not with his mother in the room. He could ask his sister to 'babysit' him but she was still mad at him for... well...

He sighed and rolled onto his side, facing the wall.

"Cal, I think we should talk."

"There's nothing to talk about." Calvin winced. He knew his mom wanted an answer. She hadn't asked any questions at the hospital which led Calvin to believe she would never ask any at all. He didn't want her to ask questions because he didn't want to tell her anything. He didn't want to say he'd tried to kill himself. Especially not to his mom.

"Calvin, please!"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"No, Calvin. Every time I asked you how your day was or how school was, you answered 'fine.' I gave you your space and look what happened. I'm not doing that again. Fine isn't good enough."

"I'm not talking to you about this."

"Then I'll talk to the therapist."

"Our conversations are confidential. She can't tell you anything."

"I'm not going to stand by and let you die."

Calvin winced as if his mother's words had hurt him physically. When he decided he to die, he thought it would only hurt him. He never thought it would hurt anyone else.

Everyone at school was mean to him, teachers didn't like him, even his parents were distant with him. If everyone was mean to him and hurt him, it should be his turn to hurt them. It was only fair.

Before he could say anything, his mother left the room. He sat up and stared at the open door in shock. Why would his mother leave if she was worried about him being alone?

His sister appeared in the doorway, her arms crossed over your chest. "Come watch tv with me."

Without saying anything, Calvin got up and followed her into her room. Neither of them spoke for the two hours they were alone together.

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