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"You like her, don't you?"

Calvin sat on his bed, a science textbook in his lap. Loose leaf paper laid around him, various drawings and words on the white pages. He wanted to be alone after talking to Sophie but the family rule about not leaving him alone prevented that. So his sister, Ashley, sat on the floor, keeping watch.

Calvin sighed. "That's none of your business."

"So you do."

He glared at her. Who did she think she was? "I don't."

"Oh, come on, Cal. Just admit it. And tell her. I bet she feels the same."

"Why would she have feelings for me?" Who would like a guy that tried, and failed, to kill himself? Did she even like him or was she using him like everyone else did? Was she just part of the problem?

"I've been asking myself the same thing." She smiled. "You talked to her on her first day of school. Not everyone does that."


"You were nice to her. Girls like when guys are nice."

Calvin rolled his eyes. "Then why'd you date Robbie?"

She waved a hand over her face. "I was a child then."

He closed the book and set it beside him. "What if I tell her and she runs? What if she's scared of me?"

"She wouldn't have called you if she was scared."


"Good things happen, Cal. Accept it."

Calvin didn't think good things ever happened. But what did that make his and Sophie's friendship?


Calvin was sitting in the front office, waiting for Ashley to pack up her things and take him home, when Sophie walked into the room. Her hair was topped on her head in a sloppy bun and the shirt she was wearing was of a school team he didn't recognize.

She sat down beside Calvin and glanced at the textbook in his lap. "What are you reading?"

"Biology. I have some stuff to make up."

"Do you want me to help you study? I'm in College Bio."

"College? Seriously?"

She nodded and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "The college I'm going to is letting me transfer the credits."

"Wow." Calvin was at a loss for words. She was thinking of the future while Calvin couldn't even think to the next day.

Her face blushed and she looked down at the book instead of him. "I guess."

"I have two tests worth of stuff to learn by Friday."

"Do you want to come over and I can help you study? My mom's taking my sister shopping tonight. So you won't have to meet them."

"Do you have any pills laying around? Like in the bathroom cabinet or anything?"

She raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

Calvin sighed. "I'm asking for my mom. I know she'd want to know."

Sophie looked at him for several seconds before she pushed his book shut and stood up. "Everything's still in boxes."

Calvin stood up beside her and looked at the desk Ashley sat at. She was in the back room gathering her backpack and books. "I need to tell my sister before I leave."

Sophie nodded.

"Do you want her to drive us to your house?"

"If you don't care. I don't want to impose."

Calvin resisted the urge to smile and watched Ashley walk into the room, her backpack slung over one shoulder. "Ash, Sophie's gonna help me study. Can you drop us off at her house?"

Ashley raised her eyebrows and Calvin prayed she wouldn't embarrass him in front of Sophie. "Sure."

Calvin followed her out to her car and couldn't stop himself from drumming his fingers on the arm rest of the seat. Ashley noticed.

She gave Calvin a knowing smile but said nothing.

Someday, Calvin wouldn't have to worry about being weird around Sophie. Someday, he could be with her and there wouldn't be any weirdness at all.


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