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Cal sat down on the bed, setting his phone on the bed between us. "I'm sorry if this movie sucks. Ashley recommended it."

I smiled and grabbed a handful of popcorn. "It can't be any worse than that movie we saw last weekend."

He shuddered. "Don't remind me."

I elbowed him as the movie loaded. "Don't forget you still have to study for your math test."

"Can't we just have one nice weekend without homework?"

"I'm afraid not."

He sighed and wrapped his arm around me. "Someday there won't be any more homework and we can just hang out."

"There's always going to be homework. But for me anyway."

"Mrs. Taylor has a nice ring to it."

"Who says I'm taking your name?"

He raised his eyebrows. "I guess I deserve that."

I laughed and kissed his cheek. "I can't wait."

"You know, the movie's about to start and I'm not sure I want to watch it anymore."

"Come on. Just give it a chance." I said, eating several pieces of popcorn, a grin on my face.

He groaned and wrapped his arms around me. "Can't we have a little fun before I'm forced to work on homework?"

"That is the fun."

"Maybe for you."

"Just be glad I'm not making you do it by yourself."

"I'm sure you would. Just to spite me."

I kissed him, pushing the bowl of popcorn out of my way. Before it could teeter off the bed, Cal grabbed it and set it on the table.

He pulled me on top of him and his hands made their way into my hair, gripping tightly. Like his life depended on it. Sometimes he didn't realize he was doing it. We'd be driving somewhere and he squeeze my hand tighter or we'd be working on homework and he'd move closer to me. It was unconscious movements that reminded me just how fragile he truly was. He never noticed them or said anything about them. I knew he was embarrassed over it. Guys weren't clingy or depressed or anxious over something so simple as having someone near them. But Cal was and I didn't hold that against him.

I just helped him with it and stayed patient and gave him all the love I knew he needed.

He pulled away, breathing heavy. "I keep forgetting we're not alone."

"My mom's not going to come down here."

"Since when are you the irrational one?"

"Since you started kissing me."

"Always blaming me." He grinned. He sat back up, bringing me with him, and brushed my hair from my face. Typically he wore a sweatshirt, careful to hide his scars from anyone. He said he didn't mind them but he hated when people stared or asked questions. He said it was just easier to keep them where only he could see them. But he relaxed when he was with me. He didn't care that I saw them or ran my fingers over the soft skin.

"You're the one who can't keep his hands to himself."

"Then it should be your fault that you're too irresistible."

I hid my face in his neck. "Maybe I should find you another tutor then."

He tightened his grip around me. "I'm sorry I said anything."

"That's what I thought."

"I love you, Sophie."

"I love you, too." I moved beside him and turned the volume up on the TV. "Movie first then we study a little."

He groaned but didn't argue with me. There was no arguing when he knew I was right. I was going to get him through high school even if it killed me.

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