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--Y/Ns POV--

I heard a beeping noise.
My ears were ringing.
What is this?
Is this hell?
I only heard the beeping noise though.
I then heard other sounds like, people talking and crying.
Where am I then?
I can't open my eyes for some reason, my eyelids are too heavy. "Is she awake?" I heard a female voice.
Ok, what the fuck is happening?
"Yes, she is." A man replied to the unknown female.
Thoughts flooded back to me.
What had happened before?
I had tried to kill myself.
Did it work?!
I slowly opened me eyes.
There was a shining white light which made me shut my eyes again.
"Miss Y/N?" I opened my eyes again, becoming immune to my surroundings.
I had a heavy headache and my ears were still ringing.
Miss Y/N, are you with me?" The voice said again.
"Where am I?" I said in a croaky voice.
"Hospital." The nurse said.
No, I was certain I could have died! I pulled the trigger.. right?
"It didn't work?" I frowned.
"No, Miss. We will leave you to wake up. There is a cheese sandwich and crackers with a bottle of water beside you." The nurse smiled.
The two people, male and female, then walked out the room.
No ones here.
It's eerie.
I hate hospitals, when can I leave?
I felt a pain jolt through my body and I still tried to sit upright.
I was starving.
There was a calendar in the room.
September the 13th.
Wait, how long was I out for?
Last time it was March.
What, i had been out for... six months?
Six months?!
I panicked.
Who had found me then?
I grabbed the tray of food beside me.
It looked... appetizing?
Okay not really.
White bread with cheese. Crackers. Water.
It was so pale and deathly looking.
I took a bite out of the sandwich, it was decent.
The crackers were plain and boring.
I drank the whole bottle of water in less than a minute.
I was thirsty.
"Miss Y/N? You have visitors. Are you okay?"
"Miss (Moms Name)?"
I saw her.
She stared at me, she looked tired.
She still had her fake tan, and her brown hair.
She just looked like she hadn't showered in months.
"Y/N?" My mom took a few steps towards me.
"Oh Y/N!" She ran up to me, hugging me tightly.
"I've missed you so much!! You scared me to death!! I thought I'd never see you again! I-"
I wasn't exactly listening to her as I had other thoughts in my mind.
What had exactly happened?
I had.. made a group chat, and went in the bathroom and lulled myself.
So then, where are they?
Who found me?
Millions of questions ran through my head again and again.
"Y/N?" My mom snapped me out of my daze.
I hummed.
"Why did you do it?"
I tensed. "I'm not ready for it yet, j just, need to rest. Your hugging a hurting me."
"Sorry." My mom set back down into her chair. She held my hand and she was staring at me.
I don't like it when people stare at me, I usually don't look at people when talking.
"I'm so glad to have you back," my mom rubbed my hand.
I faked a smile.
There was more things on my mind than my mom right now.
About two hours past.
My mom had talked for me for an hour and I had just listened and responded often.
We had slept the over hour.
"Y/N?" Someone woke me up.
It was the nurse.
"Your mom had to leave for a important emergency. You have more visitors. Would you like something to eat?" She asked kindly.
More visitors?
"Do you have any pizza? Can I have five of slices of pepperoni pizza?"
I was hungry, okay?
"Sure thing. I'll let in your guests."
She opened the door and I came face to face with a face I knew to well.


𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄 | 𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora