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A/N: I can't believe this had got over two hundred reads!! I'm so happy, thanks for reading!!!

--Y/Ns POV--

It was Gerard.
Greasy black hair, pale skin, black clothing.
He looked actually sick though.
Not just pale, but like he would throw up.
His face had a tint of red from crying.
His eyes were redder.
I probably looked worse.
Dyed blonde hair- now tangled and knotty. 

I was in a hospital gown - it looked horrible.

My eyes widened and my breathing quickened. "Why are y-you here Gerard?"

He gulped and looked down. "I-I'm sorry Y-Y/N. This is all my fault. I just came h-here to say i'll do anything so you c-can't see me again, ive been horrible and I-"

"What?" I cut him off. "I won't see you again?"

"T-that's what you want, r-right?" He gave a puzzled look. Why would he think that?

"I have done everything wrong. Why do you think I'm here... I wanted to end it all so I wouldn't be a problem anymore.." I mumbled.

He took a few steps forward and sat down in the chair next to me. Now up close- it seemed he was noticeably very thin.

He's always been thin- but this time he was VERY thin.

"You're not a problem. None of this was your fault... it would have been better if I didn't become friends with you, then this wouldn't have happened."

I frowned. I was hurt he said that. "B-But I love being friends with you." Or- correction- I love YOU.

"When I'm friends with people Y/N, something always goes wrong. It happens to be you ended up in hospital. Things are better off if I stay alone."

"But ill be alone, Gerard. You wouldn't leave me. You promised me,"


"Thank you so much for being my best friend, Gerard."
He hummed.
"Promise you won't leave me? I know it sounds cheesy..." Y/N giggled.
"I promise I won't. I love you anyway..." Gerard mumbled the last part so Y/N couldn't hear.
"Pardon?" Y/N looked up.
"Nothing, I said I promise." Gerard smiled.
Y/N pulled Gerard into a warm embrace.


"Oh. Yeah." Gerard felt guilty.
"It's okay." I put my hand on his.
"Thank you, again. I'm sorry for what has happened these weeks." I let out a sob and he pulled me into a hug.
He was practically holding me.
I wanted to stay in his arms forever.... that sounded cheesy again.
He mumbled something.
"Hm?" I questioned.
"I said it's okay."
It didn't sound like he said those words though. I didn't question it.
After pulling away I smiled at him, my hand still on his.
"Where's the others...?" Had they not bothered to see me.
He smiled. "They are coming soon, in about ten minutes."
There was just silence, but it wasnt awkward.
Sure, you could hear the hospital patients crying and screaming in the distance, but, apart from that- I loved being next to Gerard.
I wish I could say those three words.
"I love you."
But I couldn't. I was too scared... I couldn't loose my friendship like that.
And then everything will go back to shot again.
"Miss Y/N, your medicine." The nurse came in, holding out some water and a couple of pills.
"Thank you." She gave me the tray and I put the pill in my mouth, then took a gulp of water to make the pull go down.
I gave the nurse the tray back and she smiled before walking out of the door and shutting the door behind her.
I snuggled more into Gerard. I started to feel sleepy, and soon I was sleeping in him.

"Y/N?" I heard a soft voice speak as my body was being lightly shook.
"Mmmm- I'm tired." I groaned.
"They're here."
I opened my eyes slowly as I saw another four people beside me.
"Oh." I covered my face with the bedsheets which smelled of chemicals.
"Hey." Frank grinned.
"I missed you."
"Oh my god- Y/N.." Lindsey sat down next to me, happiness spread across her face.
I noticed Mikey and Ray were both smiling too.
"Hi Y/N. how do you feel?" Ray spoke.

"Weird.." I felt mostly weird because the last time I had 'talked to them' was a message to them all how I was going to kill myself.
"You'll feel fine soon." Mikey's voice reassured me.
I smiled and took the cover off my face.
"I'm hungry." I blurted out.
They chuckled.
"Miss Y/N? Would you like something to eat?" The nurses head peeked through the door.
"Uh- yes please."
I said shyly.
"What would you like?"
"Can I have pepperoni pizza and a Coca Cola please?" I asked.
"Sure!" The nurses head went back and I heard her footsteps walk away.
"So." Lindsey smiled.

We all talked together what we had usually talked about to each other before.
Comics, video games, movies, random shit in general...
It was great.
I felt happy again.
I was laughing, not putting on a fake laugh or smile for show.
"Pizza Y/N? I ordered it from the shop." The nurse came in with a large pepperoni pizza and a Coca Cola.
"Thank you so much!!" I squealed and took the tray as I shoved a slice of pizza into my mouth.
I was drooling, I was so hungry.
"Sorry." I said with a mouthful of food.

~~~the next day~~~

I woke up in my bed and realised I was in the hospital.
"Breakfast?" The nurse peeked her head around the door.
"Can I have pancakes with maple syrup and bacon?" I asked.
I loved my food.
My stomach was not familiar with this food which made me gain a little weight and make me a bit sick, but I could handle it.
I looked out the window.
I wanted to go outside.
I wanted to atleast walk around, I was bored already.
I had nothing with me.
"Hi." Gerards beautiful body came into view.
"Hi!!" I beamed, obviously happy to see him.
"Pancakes?" The nurse came in with a plateful of food, I said my thank you and tucked into the food instantly.
"You are happy." Gerard laughed.
"I know." I looked out the window.
"I want to go outside."
"You can't, not right now, you'll atleast come out of the hospital i a couple of weeks." Gerard said, eyeing my breakfast.
"Want some?" I offered.
"No thanks.. I better not." He chuckled awkwardly.
That's a bit odd.
"You seem like you need it.." I admitted. "You look very thin."
"I'm fine." He snapped.
I was shocked so I didn't question it anymore.
I just ate my pancakes not as happy anymore... it seemed very awkward now.
Gerard was a bit annoyed and I was in my hospital bed stuffing down pancakes.
He just nodded.
"I- I just said that because you look very thin... more than before anyway." I finished my pancakes putting them beside my bed.
He didn't answer.
"Gerard." I said in a more serious tone.
"I'm fine, okay?!" He gritted his teeth.
I shook my head and continued staring out the window.
I let out a frustrated sigh.
I knew he was lying, I wasn't dumb.
"Okay, you keep insisting that you are so I better believe you." I rolled on my side facing away from him, still looking out the window.
Was I being silly? Too protective?
"Night then." I kicked the sheets towards me a bit aggressively.
I think he knew he had pissed me off.
I was aware it was morning yet I still said night.
I'm like that..
"Okay." He whispered.
I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

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