Chapter 45 "Prankster"

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Madison's pov

It's been a long day at work today and my swollen feet are definitely letting me know that. After, I finished washing, drying, and putting all of the dishes away. I secured the entire cafe before locking up. It's dark and thankfully not raining, which I greatly appreciate since Santana left town due to a business trip, which has led me to walk home tonight.

I take advantage to explore every little detail as I walk admiring nature along with the beautiful random bright lights decorated all over houses, trees, and businesses. Christmas is soon approaching giving the holiday spirit to many New Yorkers. I used to celebrate the holidays when my parents were around, but since they passed everything changed. However, now that I'm no longer alone. My son being on the way all of this will change. I want to celebrate all of the holidays with my little bean.

As I walk rubbing my swollen stomach in circulation motions. I hear a sudden snap from behind me. I hastily turn around seeing no one just a few leaves floating in the air. Brushing the sound away, I continue to walk down the sidewalk towards my apartment when the sound occurs again. I turn around again creasing my brows confusedly not knowing if I'm just being a little paranoid or if this sound was in fact real.

"Stop being a scary cat Madison. You're going to be a mother soon. You need to be brave," I mentally scold myself proceeding with my walk.

After a few minutes of walking spotting my apartment ahead. The sound is heard for the third time this time much closer than the other two. Instantly, I'm looking all over the place seeing nothing, but complete silence around me. As I was stuck on thought, a black cat jumped unexpectedly out of the dark alley not far from me scaring the crap out of me. I screamed cradling my stomach soon after taking in deep breathes from the sudden scare this idiot cat caused me. Thankfully, my water didn't break right here on the spot. That would of been a complete disaster.

Turning my heel, I power walk straight into my apartment complex pulling my keys out of my purse jabbing it into the keyhole opening the door and slamming it shut locking it.

"Stupid cat," I breathe throwing my keys and purse on the dining table walking over to my bedroom ready to get into the shower to relax my tired body. Once I'm fully naked and my tub is filled with warm steamy water for me to lay in. I get inside the tub carefully placing my cell phone on the little table I placed near the tub along with a glass of orange juice.

Two minutes of having my eyes shut feeling the warmth of the water embrace my body. My cell phone beeps notifying me of a text message received. I flutter my eyes open reaching over to grab my cell phone. I see a text message with the name of the sender that says unknown. I crease my brows together confused about it. Usually when you receive texts it shows the number of the sender, but right now this isn't the case.

"Unknown?," I mumble pressing on the notification in order to view the text itself.

Kat's Cafe.

"What?," I breathe not understanding what the text is suppose to mean besides the fact it's the name of where I work. I decide to respond texting, "Who's this?"

Ignoring my question another text arrives that has me completely in a confused state.

Black cat.

"What the fuck," I gasp freaked out by the entire thing. I decide to call this unknown contact to threaten whoever this is to leave me alone or I'll be contacting the cops, but as soon as I tap on the contact. The line goes dead not once ringing. I retried this method about three times and nothing changed. The line going dead every time.

Immediately, I get out of the tub wrapping myself in a towel stepping out of the restroom and into my bedroom. As of this moment, I'm afraid believing I have some sort of stalker since whoever it is knows the name of my work place and about the black cat scaring me earlier. I pace back and forth debating on what to do. Is this just a prankster of some kind or a serious stalker? Then again, I'm heavily pregnant, who would want to stalk me?

My phone beeps and I raise my hand up seeing the text flash on the screen. What I read next has me cringing throwing my phone onto the floor and running all over the place making sure everything is secure and locked.

Nice towel.

"Please send the cops over now. An unknown number keeps sending creepy texts and stalking me," I panicky say looking out the curtains seeing the same thing I've been seeing for the past thirty minutes, nothing.

"Ma'am please calm down. Officers will be there shortly."

I hang up rolling my eyes hating how it's so easy for her to say such a thing since she's not the one receiving creepy texts about what she's doing. After a few minutes, officials arrive inspecting the entire apartment complex.

"We didn't find anyone suspicious ma'am. You're safe," one of the officers say.

"Okay, were you guys able to trace the unknown contact who texted me those texts," I ask.

"No, this line doesn't exist that's why no calls go through," the officer responds.

"What the f-"

"I'm sorry, I meant to say that's so strange," I correct myself finding everything so strange straight out of a movie to be honest.

"Strange indeed, but nothing to worry about. It's probably a up to no good prankster kid. We get these calls all of the time," the kind officer reassures.

"Oh I see. Thank you officers for your time."

"It's our duty to protect our community. Goodnight ma'am," the officers say walking away from my door step. I close the door, shaking everything that has happened off from my mind. I don't want to stress myself or overthink anything. The officers checked and didn't see any danger.

"They're right, it's just a prankster," I murmur to myself as I walk into my bedroom calling it a night. Tomorrow is my day off and I definitely want to take advantage to get all the hours of sleep I can possibly get. Turning the lights off, I get comfortable under my sheets closing my eyelids shut looking forward to the sleep I'm desperately in need of.

 Turning the lights off, I get comfortable under my sheets closing my eyelids shut looking forward to the sleep I'm desperately in need of

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Any thoughts?

Just know when I was writing this chapter. I legit pictured it as a movie in my head lol!

Also, don't you guys hate exams? Ugh, I have one this Thursday 😒

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