Chapter 71 "Refuge"

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Santana's pov

"It's been days!"

"There hasn't been any word. What the fuck do you want me to do?!"

It's been days since Lozano's wife went missing. From what Lozano has gathered from the hospital she works at is that she showed up to her shift and clocked out. Meaning that her kidnapping occurred outside the premises. I also gathered that there is no longer heavy surveillance surrounding the hospital meaning one thing. Madison must of woken up. However, where Madison is residing right now that I don't know.

For Castillo being a dead son of a bitch, it sure seems like if he was still alive. He trained his mafia well, I must admit.

"The hospital's cameras were tampered with. It's almost as if the earth ate her," Moreno utters.

Suddenly, Lozano's cell phone starts ringing which he hastily answers. "Esmeralda?"

"Amor, is that you?!"

Instantly, this grabs our attention listening close to Lozano's conversation. "Baby, don't be scared. I will get you. Tell me who has you?," he worriedly says.

"Alright, I will be there," he adds while signaling Moreno for a paper and pencil in order to write down whatever is being said on the other line. "Don't worry Esme, I won't let anything happen to you. I-"

"Fuck!," Lozano grumbles slamming his phone down harshly against the table. "What the fuck happened?," I ask.

"The fucking Red Eagles got her," Lozano response unhappily, "This is all your fault for being so obsessed with Castillo's whore. I should of never gotten my wife into this mess," he grits his teeth slamming his fist against the table.

"Watch your tone Lozano. I didn't mean for this to happen. How did those fucks even find out? Better question, who's calling the shots? Rios?"

"Who the fuck knows. All I know now is that they got her. Correction, they have been having her. I should of known."

"I will bring her to safety, I promise. What she tell you?," I reassure Lozano wanting to get straight down to business.

"Esmeralda gave me an address for us to attend tomorrow midnight," Lozano responds handing me the piece of paper he used to write down the location his wife gave over the phone.

5478 Black Lane.

"Start googling this location," I instruct Moreno handing him the paper.

"Yes boss," he says turning his heel around heading towards the door.

"Get everyone ready for tomorrow. It's time for the Red Eagles to go extinct along with their heir."

Madison's pov

"Agoo," I say to little Leo who's warily watching me while moving his little arms all over the place. The mom life has been incredibly hard, yet beautiful at the same time. Having my baby boy in my arms is still so surreal to me. Everything he does amazes me and each day I fall deeper and deeper in love with him.

"Where's the bottle?," Leo asks as he goes through the baby's bag. We're currently at some Mexican restaurant waiting for our dishes to arrive. Leo wanted to bring his family out to eat since we haven't had any type of out time especially as a family due to all of the craziness that has occurred.

"Near the diapers," I respond. "Found it," he says pulling the bottle full of my breast milk out handing it over to me. Once I grab the bottle I insert it into little Leo's mouth watching him with such adoration as he eats.

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