Chapter 12

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^^^Am I the only one who thinks this? Haha


"Niall relax. He is my brother's best friend." I go to stand up, but I lose my balance and Niall grabs onto my waist so I don't fall and helps me sit down.

"Don't move so fast. You have been laying down for awhile." Niall goes quiet and then his eyes go wide. "Your brother is Dawson?"

"Yes, how do you know him?" This is weird. I don't want Niall and Dawson knowing each other.

"I don't really know him, but we have partied together. Dawson is an animal." Niall laughs probably remembering some memory. How have they partied together? "I don't want you going anywhere with Zayn."

"Fine, but if I go to lunch with my brother and Zayn happens to show up I'm not making him leave." I stand up slowly and start to walk out of my little ER room.

Once we get to the waiting room I see Melanie, Louis, Harry and Liam. "Don't they have work to be doing?" I ask Niall as we walk over to them.

He shrugs and says, "today is slow. They were worried about you, so be nice."

I gasp and look at Niall. "I am always nice." I pause and then add, "to them."

"Charlotte I am so sorry. Are you okay?" Melanie says while walking over to me.

"How are you feeling?" Liam asks.

"Calm down everyone. I'm fine, well I'm feeling a little loopy. That shot of pain medicine is really starting to work." I wiggle my bandaged hand at everyone.

"I get off at 5. Can you take care of her til then Niall or do you need more sleep before tonight?" While Louis is saying this he grabs my hand to look at it.

"No I will be fine. I can sleep more when you get back. We better go so Char can rest." I look up at him to glare, but I stop myself when I see how tired he looks. Niall is running on three hours of sleep.

Once we get back home Niall helps me out of the car. He wraps his arm around my waist and I start laughing. I thank the pain meds pumping through me for that, but I tell Niall, "it's my hand Niall. I can walk just fine." Niall chuckles and let's go of me.

When we walk into the kitchen I expect to find my blood everywhere, but the kitchen is spotless. You could never tell that I had stabbed myself.

Amy comes walking into the kitchen and smiles. "Hey how are you feeling?"

"Tired and loopy, but I'm good. Thanks for cleaning this up." I smile back at Amy.

"No problem. Do you need anything?" I could get use to Melanie and Amy being nice to me.

"I'm going to take her to her room, so she can rest." Niall starts talking, but I cut him off.

"Niall I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I don't need to rest." I look at Niall and I notice how pretty he is. I just want to run my fingers through his hair. I shake my head to get rid of these thoughts. "Maybe I should rest. This pain medicine is messing with my head."

"Alright, let's go." Niall leads me to my room and then tells me to sit on my bed. He walks over to my dresser and pulls out some yoga pants and a t-shirt. When he turns back to me he starts to talk, "your clothes are bloody, so let's get you out of them."

Without thinking I stand up and start to take off my shirt. I don't stop until I see Niall's eyes go wide. "Oh sorry. I'm having a hard time thinking."

"Pain medicine will do that to you. Let me help you. It will be a little hard with one hand." Niall chuckles and steps closer to me.

He puts his hands at the bottom of my shirt and pulls it up. Instead of looking at my chest like I thought he would, he keeps his eyes on my face. He grabs the clean shirt that is hanging on his shoulder. Once my clean shirt is on I look at the dirty one. It is covered in blood. No wonder I passed out, I must have lost a lot of blood. Niall notices me staring at the shirt and steps in my line of view. I look at him and smile. I try to unbutton my jeans, but it is impossible with one hand. I sigh and look at Niall asking him for help. He brings his hand to my button and starts to undo it. He starts to blush and I think his hands are a little shaky. We are both quiet as he unbuttons my pants. Once the zipper is down he pulls on my jeans a little bit and then looks up at the ceiling.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now