chapter 24

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^^^I laughed so hard when I saw this.


Charlotte P.O.V

It's Friday and we are leaving New York today. I think I am in love with New York. I want to live here when I'm older. Niall promised that he would bring me back at Christmas time to see the big Rockefeller tree. I'm not going to get my hopes up though. I'm really interested to see how Niall will act once we get home.

I had to push Niall off me when we were making out, because I was starving. Niall took me to some fancy Italian restaurant. He was a gentleman rest of the night. We got dressed up and got a driver for the evening. It could have been the perfect first date. He didn't push me into telling him about my past. I wanted to ask him about his, but I didn't think it would be fair.

"Charlotte I'm coming in." Niall yells before opening the bathroom door. I'm pulled from my thoughts over last night.

I'm just straightening my hair so I don't move. I feel silly getting ready, but we are going to breakfast before we leave. I don't want to look like a hobo.

"Hi," I quietly say as Niall walks in.

"Hello." Niall leans in and gives me a kiss on the top of my head. "I feel like a teenager, because of last night."

I start laughing. I know he is talking about the making out, but I want to tease him. "You use to shower with girls in high school?"

I know I shouldn't have showered with him. But it was a lapse in judgment. He kept saying things like "We will save water" and "we need to hurry, so let's just shower together." Nothing happened in the shower, so I don't feel too bad. I think I stared at him more than he stared at me.

"Not that part! I mean the kissing. Being too nervous to make a move, so all you do is kiss." Niall laughs probably thinking about some high school memory.

"Why were you nervous to make a move?" Do I make him nervous?

"I didn't want to upset you and I wasn't sure if you wanted me to. Plus you rejecting me is something I could live without." Niall smiles at me sheepishly and I start laughing. "Are you all packed?"

"Way to change the subject, but yes. I just need to put my make up and my straightener in my suitcase."

"Why are you getting all dolled up? I look like trash next to you." Niall says taking a step to stand right next to me.

I look at us in the mirror and I can't see how he looks like trash. He always looks perfect. He is wearing black sweats and a grey t-shirt, but his hair is done. I don't think there is a single girl who would think that he looks like trash.

"Yeah right. You look good, like usual." As soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them. Niall gets a smirk on his face.

"So I always look good? How good?" Instead of getting embarrassed, I'm going to play along.

"So good that I can barely control myself around you." Niall nods letting me know that he likes my answer.

"Good." He leans in and gives me kiss. I pull away quickly, because I know that Eleanor and Louis will be here soon. "I'm not quite done yet." Niall pulls me back to him and I don't put up much of a fight.


"Why is the drive taking so long?" Eleanor whines from the backseat.

"We have been in the car for twenty minutes El." I state while laughing at her. Her and Louis are exactly the same.

"Don't remind me!" She goes quiet. "Let's play a game!"

"I love that idea! What game babe?" Louis says looking at Niall. Niall looks at him through the rear view mirror.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now