chapter 33

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I open my eyes and see that I'm in Niall's bed alone. He is already at work and I'm lonely. Last night when we got home we decided to watch a movie and go to bed. Niall's lip is swollen and pretty sore. He looks like he is in a lot of pain. He wanted to kiss and fool around, but I couldn't put him through the pain. Every time we kissed he would wince or say ow.

I hear some laughter and I am pulled from my thoughts. I get out of bed and walk out to the kitchen. I find Louis and Harry eating breakfast.

"How was your night last night?" Louis asks as soon as he sees me. He wiggles his eyes and I'm not suprised.

"Not as good as yours probably. Niall's lip is the size of... Well I don't know what, but it is huge." I look over at Harry and he seems happy.

"So you guys came home early and nothing happened?" Harry asks, sounding surprised.

"That's right." I look at Harry and Louis while they let their mouths drop open.

"What have you done to Niall?" Louis shakes his head.

"I haven't done anything!" I walk past them and get a cup of coffee.

"A couple months ago Niall would have fucked five minutes into the party and then fucked a different girl 10 minutes later." Louis looks at me shaking his head.

"Watch your language Louis and it's a good thing Niall is different now." I take a sip of my coffee.

Harry and Louis roll their eyes at me, but we sit and they tell me about the rest of the party. It doesn't sound like we missed much. My parents had Chad escorted off the premises, which I wish I could have seen. Other then that it was the typical fundraiser.

"Hey everyone." Beth comes walking into the kitchen.

Harry seems to tense up a bit. He turns and forces a smile to Beth. I thought they were getting back to normal.

"Are you ready to talk?" Beth asks Harry and he slowly nods his head. They both get up and leave.

"What is up with them?" I turn to Louis. He knows everything.

"Harry is telling Beth everything. About the contracts and why you two are so close. Beth knows something is going on and Harry loves her so he wants her to know everything." Louis leans over and grabs my coffee.

"Wow. I can't believe she is going to know the truth." I pause and grab my coffee from him. "We are way too close."

"Isn't it great?" I shake my head and Louis laughs. "Well I'm going to go see if Eleanor is awake and hang out with her. You can hang out with us if you want." Louis stands up and goes to his room.

I really don't want to be the third wheel so I grab my coffee and head to the patio. I grab a jacket and a blanket. As I walk out the door I flip the switch for the heaters. I sit down and take a deep breath. I let the events of last night run through my mind. Everything my parents said, everything Niall said, and Niall getting into a fight with Chad. We were only there for an hour and yet so much happened. No matter how mean Niall can be, his sweet side makes up for it. I hope that his sweet side stays. I am enjoying having him on my side. I pull my phone out of my pocket and send him a text message.

*I hope work is going well 😄*

I stare at the text and watch as the dancing dots appear. They disappear and then reappear. My phone then dings and I have a message from Niall.

*I wish I was home with you, but work isn't too 💩*

I laugh at his response. He would use the poo emoji.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu