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"Awww sister you need some medicine?"  Artist asked holding my hair back as I threw up.

I shook my head getting up and going to brush my teeth.

If this is what I think it is I don't know what I'm going to do.

I finished brushing my teeth.

"I think I ate too fast. I always get sick when I do that." I told him.

"Alright sis if you need something just call or text me I gotta head out and take Ella to her hair appointment." He said hugging me

"Thanks I will." I said laying back down and he left out.

I sighed holding my pounding head.

After the funeral I hadn't heard from Dave he's been at home Don said he wasn't in the right mind to work and I'm glad he wasn't working cause I don't want nothing happening to him.

He hasn't called me back or texted me back so I don't know. I'll probably stop by his house today to make sure he good.

I held my stomach groaning as I felt myself getting nauseous all over again but the feeling went away.

I flipped the covers off and went in my drawer grabbing the pregnancy test I've been dreading on taking and went to the bathroom.

I was home alone so that put me at ease I love my brothers but they been extra nosey lately.

I peed on it and sat it on the counter waiting as I scrolled through my phone.

This seemed like the longest wait of my life.

Hopefully I just been extra paranoid and I'm not pregnant.

I sighed waiting bouncing my leg as I waited.

Finally my alarm went off and I closed my eyes before looking at it.

I knew it, positive.

I don't know if I'm happy or sad. I know I'm scared.

"Best frienddddd im here." I heard Ashley tell from down stairs. I wrapped the test in some tissue and ran into my room to hide it in the zipper part of my purse.

"I'm up here." I yelled back sitting on my bed.

I leaned back because I felt sick again. Ughh I'm going to get tired of this fast.

"Hey bitch I missed you." She hugged me.

"I missed you too." I said as I felt myself gag because of her perfume.

"You okay?" She asked me.

"I've just been super sick lately." I told her so she would stay farther away from me.

"Ew bitch I can't be getting sick that's not happening." She said sitting far away at the end of my bed.

"I don't think it's contagious." I shrugged because I knew it wasn't.

"I can't take no chances." She said.
"What you been up to?" She asked me.

I shrugged. "I've just been here chilling. I can't go to work so I been bored.

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