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"You promised." I whispered.

"Im so sorry sis." Artist hugged me.

At this point I'm numb. I have not felt a hurt like this ever I have no idea how to deal with it.

Everybody stood around the hospital room quietly.

Don left the room with Ashley who couldn't keep it together.
I let go of Artist and went over to sit in the side of Dave's bed.

Everybody kept watching my every move but I didn't care it was expected.

I grabbed his hand and stared at him for a long time before I spoke quietly.

"David please just wake up. Please wake up and just tell me those doctors out there are wrong. Show them how strong you are please D." I said breaking down and laying my forehead against his chest.

I laid my head side ways hoping to hear anything but there was nothing. There was nothing I could do anymore but cry.

"Bianca come on." Artist said trying to console me but I got up pushing him away from me.

"No No!" I screamed in his face and turned back to David.

"David I love you." I said as I watched his hand to see if it was going to move by the grave of god like it usually would. Every day I said that to him at the end of my visit here and he would always squeeze my hand if I was holding his or move his fingers. Every time.

He didn't.

"D I fucking need you. Don't leave me. Please don't." I said pulling his limp body up as I sat on his bed and rocked him back and forth.

"You told me you wouldn't leave me David you fucking promised me to!" I screamed holding on to him for dear life.

Artist broke down and left the room leaving Ella, Hakeem and I.

Ella came over to me rubbing my back and hugging the both of us.

"Bianca... lay him back down." She said softly and I did with her help.

"I c-c-can't l-let him g-g-go." I cried as she hugged me.

"You don't have to sister he is always going to be with you no matter what. He fought for as long as he could. At least he isn't suffering anymore. He's not in pain anymore." She told me calming me down.

"D wouldn't want you sitting here like this ma. He loved you and he knows you love him no matter what." Hakeem said joining in on the hug. I hugged his torso so tight.

"Thank you Keem." I said m.

"For what?" He asked.

"Being there with him that day. Trying to save him. I know this been bothering you cause you feel like you could've did more but none of this is your fault. He was your brother we all know that. Thank you." I said and he hugged me tighter nodding.

We pulled away after a few minutes and I said "I need to go."

"Where?" Ella asked.

"The more I'm here the worse I'm going to get I need to come to terms with this and sitting here crying over his lifeless body isn't going to do it.

"I don't think you should leave and be by yourself either all you're going to do is over think all day." She told me.

"We can go back to our house and all be around each other and chill there but I'm not letting you leave alone." She added.

"How about this we all leave since I drove myself here and I'll meet y'all there?" I said as a question knowing she would go with that and leave me alone.

"Okay fine B you better come." She said "and be careful driving." She added hugging me

"I will." I said and she let go of me.

I grabbed my purse and left out of his room.

I walked down the hall quickly hoping nobody saw me but Artist did because he was obviously walking back to Dave's room.

"Sis slow down where are you going?" He asked me grabbing me as I was trying to walk past him.

"I'll be at the house when y'all get there." I said not even looking at him.

"No hell no you coming back with us you not about to be by yourself." He said.

"Artist I drove myself here I can drive back don't worry about me." I said.

"B I know you. I know you're trying to be strong right now but inside you're hurting." He said.

"Artist I'm fine. I knew this was going to happen eventually I just wanted to believe he would make it. I've been preparing myself for Dave being gone and now he is. I'm fine." I said with a straight face.

Artist looked at me weird. "Bianca ain't no way you believe you're really okay. The nigga you love the father of your child just died. That's my brother and I'm fucked up. I'm not okay so I know you're not. Don't choose now to be stubborn don't push us away B especially not at a time like this we all need each other right now." He said.

Hearing somebody finally say it out loud killed me.

"David is really gone." I mumbled.

"Yes Bianca you can't try to make it not real in your head. He's gone and he's not coming back. Don't drive yourself crazy not accepting it." Artist said softly.

"Boogie I'm fine. I will be at the house when y'all get there Okay?" I said getting my head together and closing off the bad thoughts that kept coming to mind.

He sighed but didn't object to me leaving anymore.

"Okay." He said letting me go and I walked away.

I walked past Ashely and Don ignoring them talking to me and went to my car.

Once I got in I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and tears just fell out of my eyes.

I quickly wiped my face and started my car pulling out of the hospital parking lot.

I turned on Promises by Jhene Aiko blasting it and sang along crying.

"Swear that I can still feel you here I just can't believe you're not here I been needing you all I dream is you..."

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