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We were all sitting at the table just waiting on the waiter and Dave and Ashley.

"Anybody see where they ass went?" Artist asked.

We all looked around and shook our heads.

"They just going to be thirsty cause I don't know what they ass want to drink." He shrugged.

"I'll order for them." I said laughing.

I leaned laying my head on Rocks shoulder because I was sleepy. He put his arm around me and I closed my eyes.

I didn't want to come but Artist and Ella begged me too so whatever.

"There y'all are shit took y'all niggas forever." Artist said.

I opened my eyes and of course met Dave's eyes who were piercing into mine.

He look angry and by the look on Ashley's face she had been crying.

Dave sat down and started grinding his teeth together which always annoyed me because it fucks up your teeth and because he always did it right before he was about to do something crazy.

"Stop." I said to him and he stopped everybody looked at us but ain't say nothing just shook their heads.

After a while he started doing it again.

Everybody was into their own conversation and  Rock and Artist were talking about some basketball game so I asked him "What's wrong?"

He look surprised I was talking to him so he looked around before realizing I actually was and then answered.

"I'll tell you later." He said and I nodded leaving it at that.

It's been a long time since Dave and I had an actual conversation now it's kind of awkward to even be talking to him at all which is exactly what I was trying to avoid but things just worked out a different way.

"Hi what can I start you guys off with to drink?" The waiter said coming up.

She started with Dave who was sitting across from me.

"Can I get patron on the rocks." He said.

He don't even drink patron anymore he had a bad experience with it and since then he talked so much shit but here he is anyway.

"Sure can I see ID." He showed her and she moved on to Ashley.

"Just a sprite.

"Sprite." Ella said.

"Coke and rum." Artist said showing his ID.

"Lemonade." Selena said.

"Coke and rum." Don said showing ID.

And they got to me. "Sprite."

"Coke and rum." Rock said and we all laughed.

"Okay I'll be right back with that for you guys."

"We should go to somewhere soon guys." Ella suggested.

Her pregnant ass ain't need to go nowhere.

Yeah she pregnant she hasn't told Boogie or anybody else yet. Just Ashley and I. She wanted to tell Dave but everybody said he went missing I guess this the first time he's came around in like a month.

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