Imagine 11:The Ghost Of You

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A/N: I had to rewrite this twice because Wattpad  glitched me out of the app and my fully written Chapter was completely gone. Fabulous.



I was in my living room reading a book on Widows, I started to think about all of the strange occurrences that have happened.It started when Gerard died. On June 6th 1944 Mikey and Gerard were killed fighting in the war. I miss him so much, I  cry every night when I fall asleep, but something seems off. I can't put my finger on it, it's so scary. I hear foot steps, yelling,crying,screaming, and whispering.

It all sounds like a war zone. I shut my book. Wait, I think I just figured this out. Is Gerard doing all of this? Maybe he hasn't moved onto the spirit world. But why would he be here. Does he miss me? I'm so confused, I need to get a glass of milk.

Standing up from my black couch, taking my book I was reading with me. I walked through Gerard and I's house. It's so empty. I've decided to buy a dog to make my life more full of joy.

All of my happy thoughts were crumbled by the sight of Gerard standing in the doorway. He was in his army uniform with a bullet hole shot through this chest. Blood was covering him. I dropped my book. Gerard opened his mouth.

"Y/N I'm home ! I'm finally home!"

I looked down the hallway my cross that was hanging on the wall turned upside down.


Gerard was closer than before.Tears were streaming down my face. I ran down the hallway to my bedroom. Panting, as I locked my door, This can't be happening! How is he here? Is Gerard ok? Is he trying to hurt me?! I slid down my door crying cradling my legs in my arms trying to escape reality.

"Stop asking so many questions."

My head shot up Gerard was standing in front of me. His hands gripping my shoulders.


He nodded.

"Is that really you?"

"Yes I'm here to stay forever."

The bullet wound near his heart disappeared so did all of the blood. He grabbed me and hugged me. I hugged him back. No longer see through, Gerard started to cry into my shoulder. I felt safe. Safer than I have felt in a while. While Gerard by me I knew everything was going to be alright.


This chapter is dedicated to Dead_Inside_emo59 , I miss you and I can't wait til you get back.

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