Chapter 22

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Luna Ulric

I groaned as someone slammed a book next to my face. I had propped my textbook up just right so that I would be able to tune out Professor Laune as she droned on about the Himura War. It wasn't that Laune was boring but anyone in their right mind knew about the Himura War.

She'd said she wanted to get it out of the way so we could focus on more of America's history. Anyways, I didn't need to listen to how Lief Himura had turn the tides by overthrowing the balance between the Kitsune one more time, because if I did, I think I might just die.

"Luna! How can you sleep during this of all lessons?" Quinn whisper shouted in my ear. The girl was a history buff and I was now silently kicking myself for sitting next to her during this class.

"I already know all this stuff," I grumbled, laying my head back on my folded arms.

"Oh yeah, who was the vanguard of the Battle of Loki's Temple?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Professor Aurum," I stated with confidence, sure I was right.

Quinn groaned, a pained look crossing her face. "No! Aurum led the Battle of Taylor's Creek!"

"Oh whatever," and I subsequently closed my eyes.

Quinn huffed and muttered, "Well, you won't be using my notes, that's for sure."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I sighed. "I'll just ask Nesia."

It had been a few weeks since the whole incident with Capture the Flag and Harper and Lark were back in classes. Lark had a broken wrist and a bruised reputation but both of them had come out alive at least.

Most people still thought that Lark had started the fire and in return had started their own wildfire rumor of her having an arson record. No proof could be found of such a thing but it didn't stop people from avoiding her.

I felt bad for the kid but people would get over it. As long as she kept her head down and didn't give the rumors any validation.

Of course, by lunch I had heard the same lecture on staying awake, three times over. First it was Quinn, then Hero, and then even Cander had chimed in.

The first few weeks were all just recap, had been my argument. Yeah, I was pretty sure I was losing ground on that very quickly. Our first Biology test was coming up tomorrow and I'm pretty sure that unit wasn't all on review.

Goddamnit, why did they have to make the chairs in the classrooms so comfortable.

I knew I had to pass this test or I wouldn't get any points to spend and it would drag my team down on the leaderboard. We had to get a good quest this year. I cringed when I remembered the year before.

I shook my head, looking around at the courtyard slowly being filled with students. I had to study tonight. I followed Hero and the others to a shaded table and sat down. The table was silent as we all quietly worked through our meals.

It was a wonder they gave an hour for lunch everyday when everyone finished within fifteen minutes.

"Any news?" I asked the rest of my team.

The rest just shrugged noncommittally. I didn't say another word.

After lunch, I followed Nesia to the leaderboard, just around the corner. I winced when I saw that we'd dropped to third place out of four.

Nesia didn't say anything, as usual, but I could tell she wasn't happy about it. It was my fault. Everyone else was working their butts off to perform well, and here I was, falling asleep in class.

The Last Phoenix- Book 1 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now