Chapter 43

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Arielle Clements

I stared in horror at the round belly of Asteria. She looked at me pleadingly. I knew she hadn't wanted this. Your savior is here to deliver...

The voice seemed to reverberate across the room as though the words had truly been spoken. Asteria contracted in sudden pain. The baby was coming.

"Shireen," the man beckoned to the woman and she came forward, a maniacal smile pinned on her face. "Have young Taman prove his worth.

"Kill Asteria's young friend here," he gestured to me. "Arielle."

"No!" Asteria screamed.

"I told you if you didn't cooperate fully, I'd take something away from you," he said calmly, giving her a look that said he had to follow the rules. "You tried to kill yourself."

I looked at the blonde boy. His face was dirty and his clothes were torn. He hardly looked capable of killing me. I drew my sabre, letting it light with the fire from my breath.

The boy looked at me suspiciously. He started forward, dragging a long sword behind him. "You don't want to do this," I warned him.

"Yes, I do," he assured me, swinging forward. I knocked it aside.

"Whatever they're telling you, whatever they're offering you, they won't give it to you," overhead arc. Block.

"How would you know?"

I didn't answer. I didn't know these people and what they could do. "What did they promise you?"

"The chance to kill my father," he hissed in my ear. I shuddered and leapt at him, slicing his side.

A light out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. Asteria was starting to burn.

"No!" I cried. Lark started forward but stumbled on her bloody legs. Something came whizzing through air and I leaned to the left, seeing a blade barely miss my head. He'd thrown it. I caught the handle briefly and threw it forward with all my might, not even thinking about where it was going.

"No!" the woman named Shireen stepped forward but not quick enough. Asteria was fully engulfed in flames now. I saw a tear leak from her eye, but it evaporated in the heat.

Her golden eyes were ablaze in the last second I saw her. Her body was fading to ash. She was gone, just as the blade sliced through her charred body.

"D-did it work?" Lark asked, watching as the flames died and the ash fell away. The man walked towards the mound and picked up a baby.

"Little Nadia," he whispered and I drew in a shaky breath, recognizing the name and where it came from. The baby's eyes shined gold, just like any Level 5's. "It worked." He grinned.

Bailey suddenly moved very quickly and I turned my blade on her but she was only going to stand in front of the boy Taman. The man glanced up, laughing at her. "Oh Bailey," he called. "You know what I have to do to people who fail me."

"He hasn't failed yet," she replied.

"He has," the man passed the baby to Shireen. His finger trailed down Bailey's cheek. "There are better people you could spend your time on, daughter." She tried jerking her head away from the man but he gripped her chin.

"Stop," she cried. "Please don't."

The man smiled cruelly. He grabbed her shoulders gently and pulled her out of the way. She didn't resist.

A long sword, laced with ice and fire, materialized in his hand. He grabbed Taman's shoulder. "You nearly killed Asteria without her fulfilling her purpose," he explained. "Arielle grabbed the blade and ensured us the second more we needed for it to work. You must be punished."

Taman said nothing. The man thrust his hand forward and I watched as his horrible blade sliced through Taman's body. It stuck through his abdomen for a second before disappearing, leaving a gaping wound.

Taman gasped and Bailey screamed. I blanched. "Let this be a lesson to all of you," the man said. "That whoever fails Crevan-" he smiled, "-must die."

It happened suddenly. We were all staring, horrified, at the body of the young boy. He'd failed, so Crevan said. He'd beckoned me forward, no doubt to do the same to me. But I didn't hesitate in stepping forward.

"Wait!" Bailey suddenly flung herself forward. "I failed you too! I didn't kill Lark! In fact, I didn't want to! I failed you! Kill me too!" The man smiled kindly at her.

"Daughter, I knew you wouldn't be able to," he explained. "I never expected you to succeed so you didn't fail me."

Bailey looked horrified and disgusted.

I froze. There was a sudden humming all throughout the room. I wasn't the only one who noticed. The starry ceiling broke and several glowing figures descended into the room. One, a golden fox, I recognized as Aurum. They had come. The Kitsune had come to save us!

Whoever you are, I advise you surrender.

Oh you know who I am...


I looked around at all the glowing figures. Each and every one was a fox with nine tails.

I shifted into a golden dragon, spitting fire and sparks. Lark followed my lead and without hesitation, leapt at Crevan. He hadn't been expecting this as she bowled him over.

He shifted quickly into his white fox form. Aurum's eyes filled with horror.

"How... no... it can't be..."

So, we're in the downward spiral. Only three more chapters plus an epilogue after this. I can't believe we're almost finished.

What have you thought about the book? Anything I can improve?

Question of the Chapter: What do you think will happen with Crevan?


See you on Monday!!! Vote, Comment, and Share!!!

I reverse hate you all!!!

The Last Phoenix- Book 1 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now