Chapter 46

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Arielle Clements

My thoughts were all over the place, ever since I woke up in the Med Tent. Nothing was happening linearly anymore. It was all just crashing down around me.

Lark told me about the new additions for next year. I wasn't sure whether I was happy about it. How could anyone be thinking about next year?

The summer came quickly but I didn't really go anywhere. I lived in Vale at the orphanage, Goldbay. I promised to visit Farindah everyday at her insistence. She looked bigger every time I saw her.

Lance came to me the last day of term. "I'm... sorry," he said. "I was insensitive. About everything. And I'm sorry for Asteria." I nodded, accepting his apology.

I said goodbye to Lark, Harper, and Anvi, all but Lark making promises to see each other in a few months.

Nadia. That was the name of Asteria's baby. Of course it was. I should have known.

Farindah's results came in. She was most likely having a girl. "I'll name her Asteria," she promised. How could she make a promise like that?

I hardly cared about much. The night before we all left, we sat around the closing bonfire. It was an event that took place at Vale every year. Luna sat with Hero, Nesia with Quinn.

Cander sat far away from the group. I joined him. We'd never spoken but I understood him. We just sat in silence and watched everyone- laughing and enjoying themselves.

Lark sat alone as well, but it was for different reasons. I sat alone because I felt separate. I felt out of touch with everything around me, but I knew I'd be fine in the end.

Lark was alone because she resented their happiness. She didn't know yet, but she'd get through it. I knew that. I didn't have any doubt that she would be coming back next year, whether she wanted to or not.

People threw things in the fire, making it change colors and sizzle and steam. It reminded me of Asteria and I smiled. I hoped that Bailey took care of Nadia.

Until I could come and save them both.

I just knew, deep down, that Bailey didn't want to do what she'd done. She'd shown she cared when she tried to protect Taman.

"Arielle?" it was Aurum.

"Don't give us a Quest like this again," I pleaded. "Don't let us get attached."

"Arielle, I can't keep that promise," she said quietly.

"I know," I sighed.

"Arielle, I need you to do something for me." I looked at her expectantly. "I need you to do all that you can to ensure Lark comes back next year. I fear she's not safe outside Vale."

So another short chapter, but unfortunately this is the end... I would cry but my tear ducts were removed... plus I'm too excited about the next book!!!

Question of the Chapter: How excited are you for the next book?


Breakdown out of the way....

See you guys in like fifteen minutes when I edit and publish the epilogue and then again when I publish the last Author's Note.... sandness.

Well, anywho. Vote, Comment, Share, and Stick Around for the Book 2!!!

The Last Phoenix- Book 1 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now