Chapter 16: "It was magical!"

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S O P H I E   W I L K I N S

Bree lets out a high-pitched squeal and I cover my ears, flinching at the ear-shattering sound.

"Oh my gosh, that's so romantic!" She emphasizes before popping a chip into her mouth.

"Hey, don't spill crumbs on my bed," I chuckle.

"Your life is literally something out of a movie! Watching the sunset from the top of the Ferris wheel, the sneaky hand-holding, and the kiss with fireworks playing behind. It's perfect!"

"Yeah, I guess it was pretty amazing," I admit while I look down and fidget with my fingers, a small smile wiggling across my face.

"Are you kidding? Your date wasn't amazing, it was magical!"

I shake my head and roll my eyes. The memories of last night flash into my head, widening the grin on my face. I also laugh at the thought of how Andrew kind of saved me from a lonely Saturday night.

Usually, Bree would either drag me to a club or somewhere out of the comforts of my bed. But if she isn't available, I'd just stay in my room all night and binge watch my favorite Netflix shows.

If Andrew didn't take me to Disneyland, I would've done the latter of the options since she also went on her date with Bryan.

"Now, enough about my date? How was yours?!" I asked with an exciting smile.


For the next half hour, Bree and I gushed over the romantic date that Bryan had surprised Bree with.

First, he took her to our favorite coffee shop, Starlight Cafe, a cute coffee shop that's beautifully decorated with vines and flowers draped on the walls so it seems like you're in a nature haven. It also has a glass window on the ceiling so if you look up at night, you're able to see the stars twinkling brightly.

Bree and I often go there to buy some coffee so that we can get through the day without looking like zombies.

Then, he took her up to the rooftop of his apartment and they snuggled and gazed at the stars for the rest of the night.

"Aww, how romantic!" I gush. As she talks about Bryan, her entire figure beams with happiness.

"Wow, you must really like him a lot, B," I express and grin at her. It warms my heart that she's found someone that treats her well and likes her just as much as she likes him.

"Yeah...I do. Is it that obvious?" She chuckles, slightly blushing at my comment.

"Of course. Just talking about him makes it seem like you're on cloud nine. I'm so happy that you've found someone that isn't just some fling."

"Thanks, Sophie," she said and reaches over to give me a hug. I return the embrace and she continues, "Wow, who would've thought that a one-time summer fling could turn into something more," she confesses, a look of awe glinting in her eyes.


A N D R E W   D A L T O N

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