Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

       Today had been very stressful, and I very, truly, did not do well with stress. I was completely positive the only reason I made it through was because of the extra pill I decided to take that morning.

       Then again, I had been taking an extra one for the past three days, so I would be able to handle the leader of the Big Four without freaking out. At least I hadn't, even if it didn't happen anywhere near how I imagined it.

       That's what I was thinking about as I stood just before the main road, waiting for Tate or Luce to come get me. I was too busy wondering over harsh words and a specific pair of dark eyes to notice the person stomping up behind me.


       My spine instantly stiffened as the monster's voice filled my ears, the voice of who I thought wasn't at school today. I glanced quickly around, and only let out a sigh of relief when I saw a group of students a little way away. He never tried anything in front of others, that was the only security blanket I had.

       I turned slowly to face him, my fists holding onto my bag like it was battle armor. The tall, buff, blond was glaring down at me, his broken nose held in place by surgical tape. I gulped at the fire shooting from those deadly brown eyes.

       "What do you want?" I mumbled as he stood fuming a few feet away, his hard hands curled into tight fists at his side.

       "I'm tired of playing these fucking games!" His loud shout stung my face like a hard slap, and I took a staggering step backwards. "I don't care if you're whoring around with those fucks, this ends now!"

       I glanced hopeless over at the group of students from earlier, though now they seemed to far away to make much of a difference. Fear began to grip around my throat, but most of my senses were too numb from the medicine to keep the panic from surfacing.

       I went to take another step back, but staggered when my foot fumbled over the curb. I couldn't walk back any further, not if I wanted to go feet-first into on coming traffic. I gulped and turned wide, frightful eyes on the football player.

       Why wouldn't he just leave me alone?

       "Now," He said slightly calmer, though the fire in his dark gaze hadn't subsided one bit. "You are going to come with me—quietly—to my car, and-"

       The shrill shriek of tires against pavement roared in our ears, right before the smell of burning rubber hit my nose. Both of our heads whipped around as that sleek, black, convertible I had spent too much time staring at from my living room window, practically scorched earth when it slammed to a stop behind me—right in the place I had nearly fumbled into.

       The monster and I were both too stunned to move as the pitch black tinted passenger window rolled down. "Get in." I don't know who was more surprised at the practically growling Rex Turner glaring at me from the driver seat of his car, me or monster-boy.

       I was frozen in my spot, my eyes wide and my mouth slightly open as I watched the beautiful boy practically shooting daggers in our direction. "Get in the fucking car, Rosalyn."

       And just like that, my body unfroze, and I was reaching for the door handle before I realized it. I wasn't sure if it was because he said my name, a boy I could only ever dream about, or if it was because of the obvious, very violent, threat in his tone that had me instantly complying.

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