Chapter 32

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, at least its not another 5 months! I'll try to update when I can!

Sorry for any grammar and editing mistakes!

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Chapter 31


       The gym itself was small, and right around the corner from my apartment. Though honestly, I should have been looking for one by Briar Oaks. I was spending more fucking time there than at my own damn place.

       "Rex Turner! Great to see you again, man!" The gym's owner, Bob or whatever the fuck his name was, jogged towards us from the back corner of the large room—completely forgetting about the boxer he was supposed to be helping. Fucking moron.

       "Yeah, same." Though I barely remembered the guy. We met briefly after one of my fights, which he had apparently been watching for new recruits. He had given me his gym card while spewing some shit about doing great things at his gym, blah, blah, blah. Like I fucking cared.

       "And I see you brought Mr. Maguire. Good to see you again, Trey."

       This better not take too damn long. I didn't like leaving Rosalyn alone before last weekend, but now with what had happened at Halloween—I'll lose my fucking shit if she's by herself for too long. Especially while in the same house with that fucking twit of a McHail.

       "Bob, good to see you too." Like the fucking hero-gentleman he was, Trey shook the guys hand with that welcoming, disgusting, inviting smile of his. Why did I keep fucking bringing him everywhere?

       "Would you fucking relax." Trey hissed a moment later as Bob-seriously what fucking name is that—started rambling off about how 'awesome' his gym was, completely oblivious to the fact that I didn't care. I just needed a place to punch someone without upsetting that fucking girl.

       "She'll be fine one afternoon away from you. Get that stick out of your ass."

       "That is not why I'm pissed off." Which was a fucking lie, but that ass hole didn't need to know that.

       "Then what's your problem?"

       "I haven't hit anyone in a while. You want to fucking volunteer?"

       Trey rolled his eyes, his face set in that hard, icy expression he always wore whenever I pissed him off. Whatever. He could suck a left one for all the fucks I gave. Then he let out a long, drawn out, obnoxious sigh before turning towards me.

       I swear to fucking God if he starts talking about Halloween again I'm going to lose my shit-

       "Listen Rex. I'm worried for her too. What happened never should have-"

       "Fucking don't." I snarled at the behemoth of an idiot. He had no idea what was going on in my head.

       "Yo, Rex man! Want to test a round?" The owner's voice interrupted the bubble of fury that started to brew inside my chest. I ripped my gaze away from Trey to glare over at Bob who was holding up a pair of boxing gloves.

       "Oh, fuck yes."

       I didn't want to leave Rose alone for long, but I couldn't go back to her pissed off like this. She would get all upset and I can't fucking stand when she turns those big, sad, doe eyes on me. It always made me feel like the shittiest person on the planet—a reminded I did not need.

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