Chapter 30

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Hey guys! So I know the eye color above is probably fake/photo shopped but I feel like it screams Rose to me, ya know?  

I think I'm getting sick and am exhausted from work so I'm not sure if this chapter is A1 or not so bear with me please!

Sorry for any grammar and editing mistakes!

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Chapter 30

       I... I couldn't see anything.

       I don't know how long it's been since I couldn't see anything.


       The room was pitch black, even the little light that used to shine through the sliver under the door had been blocked out. Probably by a towel or something.

       The room wasn't really even a room. It was like a... like a little cube. And if I stretched my arms out as wide as they could possibly go, I could reach both sides at the same time. I used to like the dark, couldn't even sleep without it being completely black.

       I didn't like it anymore.


       The longer I sat in the dark cube, the closer and closer the walls seemed to grow. And when they felt so super close, I couldn't breath—almost like they were crushing my lungs. I kept my knees pressed against my chest, my arms wrapped as tightly around them as they possibly could be. I would try to suck in all the air I could, just to make sure the walls hadn't sucked it all away.


       "Jax...?" I whispered quietly to the closed, dead-bolted door—my voice all rough sounding from not using it for so long. Light suddenly shown through the tiny sliver as Jax moved whatever had been stopping it.

       "Look what I found, Rosie." A dark snicker flowed through the gap beneath the door as he wiggled something shiny underneath it. I tried not to let out how relieved I was at the little bit of light he had brought, because I knew it would all go away when he left.

       I let go of my knees long enough to lean towards the shiny thing under the door. I gasped and jerked away from the light like it had burned my skin. "Jax no! You'll get in trouble!" I whisper-shouted, my heart pounding in my ears like the footsteps I dreaded hearing clamber up the stairs down the hall.

       "I can handle trouble." He sounded beyond confident in himself as he pulled the silver key back through the gap. I rolled over onto my stomach and pressed as close to the light as I could when I heard the deadbolt start to unlock.

       "Okay, but I can't!" I hissed. The jiggling sound stopped. The only way to get Jax to stop doing naughty things was telling him how they would affect me. "If you let me out, they'll know and then we will both be in a bunch of trouble."

       He dropped slowly back down to the floor and pressed his tiny little eight-year-old face as close to the hardwood as he could get, just like I was. I could just barely make out those bright blue eyes of his.

       "Did they hurt you?"

       "No." I didn't tell him about the throbbing in my arm. It's not like he could do anything about it, and it would only upset him more. He didn't need to be in a room too. Jax never could handle it as well as I did.

His Flower (Rewritten)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt