Don't Let A Stranger Give You A Ride

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I stood there, letting the face value of his fucking mansion soak in. It was certainly not what I had been expecting to see. I was still under suspicion that this whole 'marriage' crap was just a guise for him to sell me into some trafficking ring or something, so it was definitely a surprise to see this instead of some dingy hole out in the middle of nowhere. 

Towering over me was the entryway to the mansion. Behind me was a 7-metre-tall water-work, bursting water sky high. In front of it, closer to the house was a giant connected pond with smaller geysers bubbling water at the surface. All around it were perfectly trimmed, untouched hedges and lawns without a single dead blade of grass.

King cleared his throat and I padded over to catch up with him, seeing as there was nothing else I could do otherwise. It's fine. I'll get a lay of the land first before finding some way to get into contact with the police and have them track where I am. I'll send that fucker straight to jail afterwards. 

A young girl in maid outfit hopped down the stairs to meet him midway. She seemed frantic almost tripping as she fumbled her way down the steps until she actually did, tumbling right in front of King. He could've helped, but instead, he merely moved to the side so that she wouldn't fall onto him. Asshole. At least help her up.

I pattered my way over to her and guided her to her feet. She looked flustered and immediately turned to King to apologise with a bow. King didn't even let her finish, giving her an order.

"Take Ms Lettner to her room and give a tour along with her schedule for the week." The maid stayed in a bow and complied as King started to take off. However, moments after, he paused and looked at the maid. "You're new right?" She nodded timidly. King glared at her. "Keep tripping and I'll make sure you won't be getting back up again." That sentence looked like it really shook her as she bowed to hide her expression to him. King continued his way, leaving chills running through the both of us. Jesus, was there not an ounce of warmth in that cold demeanour of his?

I eyed the maid sympathetically and placed a hand on her shoulder for comfort. "Hey, are you okay?"

The maid looked up, pushing up her glasses, which brought my attention to a unique insignia she had on her ring. Huh...interesting. The maid shook her head. "N-no, it's alright. I understand what Mr King is trying to say." He was trying to say something? I thought he was just blatantly threatening her for a tiny mistake. "The employees of King have to be exceptional at what they do, no mistake allowed. They have to excel and be obedient and efficient – that's what he's paying us for, anyways."

I simply nodded, not wanting to comment. "I see." 

"Oh! Sorry, you must be tired. I'll take you to your room," she chirped cheerfully as I followed closely behind her ascend up the stairs. "I'm Abagail Cornelia by the way. I've been assigned to tend to your needs whilst you're here, Miss Lettner," she introduced with an extension of her arm toward me. I shook it gingerly in return.

The interior was even more magnificent than the exterior. Having never actually been inside a mansion before, everything was a shocker to me, leaving me in utter awe throughout the entire journey to the room I would be staying. This place was something everyone had dreamed about at least once in their lives but I could not bring myself to fully appreciate it. Regardless of how beautiful and grand it was, a prison was still a prison. I was being held captive here. 

"Here we are!" Abigail said as we entered a luxurious, well-maintained room. It looked like the suite of a 5-star hotel. "Your belongings will be unpacked and sorted into the wardrobes tonight. Everything else you may need is in the bathroom but please let me know if there's anything else you may require. We'll have it done if possible." 

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