Lollipops - Chapter 36

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It had been two days since Naomi and Sirius had seen or spoken to each other; two days since they had kissed. The fact that Sirius had kissed her still managed to surprise Naomi, and when she reminisced it she felt like swooning. However, she would quickly catch herself every time she thought of the kiss, because she knew that her and Sirius could not be together. Or, at least, that was what she was telling Remus and Lily.

At the moment, Naomi, Remus, and Lily were gathered together in the library as Naomi told them the story of when Sirius and her had kissed two nights ago. When Lily had caught Sirius staring at Naomi all throughout class, she and Remus instantly knew something was up forced Naomi to spill.

As they sat in the library during lunch break, Naomi telling her story, Remus raised his eyebrows at her and cut her off.

"So you mean to tell me that, before your heartfelt snog session with Sirius," Naomi glared at Remus as he continued, "you told him that you had one month and a half left to live, just so that he would bugger off?"

Naomi frowned at him. "Well, when you put it like that I just sound stupid,"

"Because you were being stupid," Lily pointed out. "And, you're still being stupid by avoiding him. He clearly misses you."

"And I miss him too, but I don't want him to be depressed when I die. He deserves someone who he knows won't leave him,"

"But you're everything and more that he could possibly want!" Remus burst out. At the weird looks Lily and Naomi were giving him, he justified. "I mean, those are the exact words he told me."

Naomi's cheeks reddened a bit, and she bit her lip.

"See, Naomi? Sirius still wants to be with you, even though he knows about the risks of your cancer." Lily said.

"He doesn't know how serious it is." Naomi muttered feebly, a lame excuse.

"I think he does. But I don't think you know how much Sirius is willing to be with you even if it won't be forever. You should've heard him yesterday when he was talking about you to James and I. He's practically love struck." Remus said, prying Naomi.

Naomi bit down on her lip to prevent herself from smiling at the thought of Sirius talking about her to his friends.

"Naomi, I know you don't want to hurt him, but I think it would hurt him more if you completely cut him out of your life. You can't let your cancer destroy the little time you have left." Lily encouraged Naomi.

Even though Naomi nodded along to what Lily said, she couldn't help but think, 'Cancer already has destroyed the little time I have left.'


Naomi had made up her mind. She was going to tell Sirius that she didn't want to have a relationship because of her cancer. Despite her talk with Remus and Lily, she still failed to see how any good thing could come out of a relationship between her and Sirius. She wanted one, but she didn't want to make things any harder for him when she dies.

At the moment, she was on her way to the Great Hall, hoping to eat some food in the last five minutes left of the lunch break. However, as she turned a corner, she immediately bumped into someone else. The other person had been carrying a few textbooks that had fallen down when they bumped into Naomi.

"Watch where you're going," the person scowled.

Taken aback, Naomi furrowed her eyebrows and looked up to meet the face of the person. She was met with the face of Regulus, who, admittedly, she had missed. Her and Regulus had ended their friendship terribly, and if it were up to her, Naomi would try to rekindle it.

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