James S. Potter/ To Late To Save Her From Her Future

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"Albus Severus Potter! Shut your trap in the name of Salazar Slytherin!" I shouted shaking the boy beside me

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"Albus Severus Potter! Shut your trap in the name of Salazar Slytherin!" I shouted shaking the boy beside me. Albus only chuckled at my actions causing me to frown in disappointment. "Al?!"

"I think you do like my brother." I scoffed angrily.

"Who the bloody hell would like that bloody prat?! Oh right his fan girls who love the sound of his last name with their first names!" I protested to the smirking boy.

"Oh really?" Scorpius asked looking to Albus, I nodded before sighing.

"Actually I should tell you, um you know how it's our first day of 5th year." They nodded with DUH looks, "Well I've been hanging out with Marcus Higgs, as we're neighbors. Then he asked me out! I said, Yes!" I squealed happily as my two best friends looked confused.

"Your dating Marcus Higgs? But you don't like him!" They protested.

I crossed my arms, "You don't know my feelings, they change. In first year I had a crush on you Albus, then Scorpy but that was a phase. And now 4 years later Marcus Higgs."

"YN." I turned around from my area at the Slytherin table, there stood Marcus Higgs. Turning to the boys, "If you'll excuse me, but I'm going with my boyfriend." Marcus helped me up as we walked out of the Great Hall hand in hand as the whole Hall stared, rumors started.

As a Potter boy stared at the Slytherin girl who e/c eyes and h/c hair, her face plastered with a goofy smile.
I walked beside Albus and Scorpius, me in between the two boys. Then the rest of the clan still in Hogwarts stopped us on our way to the Great Hall for lunch before free period.

"Hey, James, Fred, Molly, Rose, Lilly, Louis, Lucy, Dominque, Roxie and Hugo." I took a breath, "Whats up?"

"So you and Higgs?" Molly asked with crossed arms.

I sighed, "Yes I'm dating him! What's so bloody wrong with that? Your not my family, I'm a Flint! We only know each other because of Albus! So none of you have any business in my love life, so leave me alone for Salazar sake!"

Turning on my heel I marched away having dragged Scorpius with me. Literally he was laying down on the ground me dragging him away, as he pulled Albus.

James ran in front of me, "We do have business in your love life because we care for you. Plus if word gets out to your parents that your boyfriend is Higgs your parents will plan an engagement! Do you want to be like all the others PureBloods?!"

I scoffed before pushing past him, "That's none of your business!" James grabbed my arm, this is when I realized that the others were gone.

"I love you!" I instantly froze, had the boy I liked for years just confessed? He did just confess! What do I do? I have a boyfriend whom I love, whom I'm arranged to marry next year.

"Why are you telling me this now?! After everything you've put me through, you tell me now?!"

James looked down, "I needed to you before you were in too deep and then there would be no saving you."

I fought back tears, if only you knew James, "James.... I'm afraid your to late to save me." James froze as I walked away making sure no tear fell.

No more crying! And don't your dare look back! He's your weakness, he and his family. I cared to much for them and that was sick for a PureBlood.
Marcus sat beside me near the Black Lake, we had been talking about the engagement set up by our parents. I knew neither of us wanted to marry, but this whole thing started last summer.

I laid on a blanket looking straight up in the tree with only a glimmer of light shinning through. "Its only a few months away, our sixth year I mean. Then 3 months after we'll be married."

"For the rest of our lives. At least your not one of those other PureBlood girls who talk about makeup. Money, family, blood. It's annoying can't girls take up a new topic like quidditch and not the players, the game. Like you do! You love the sport and talk about it constantly. Plus your more like a sister to me anyway." Marcus ranted causing me to smile.

I looked at him, "That's exactly how I feel, the girls in my dorm are all talking about being invited to the wedding by me. Little did they know I'm not letting any of them come." Marcus chuckled softly as he through a rock into the lake making it skip."

I sighed making Marcus send me a curious look, "Can I tell you something?" He nodded, taking a seat beside me, "James proclaimed his love for me yesterday."

"Tell your dad your feelings and James, you two will me married and I'm home free!"

"Or a dead head! Your father will be angry at you for not getting James away long enough for us to be married!" He smirked at me. "What? Your freaking me out Marcus!"

"I have another Slytherin girl, PureBlood and like you."

I thought for a moment, "But I only- wait Marcus! Do you mean Cissa Malfoy?! Scorpius sister?!" Marcus blushed causing me to aww.

We had each wrote our parents for our proposition, them both saying yes. Now we had to get the others to agree, well Cissa. The second I mentioned it to James he pulled out a bloody ring and asked me to marry him after Hogwarts.

I of course said had said yes, sending James into a happy shock. He immediately told all of his cousins who were desperately confused except Fred. Turns out Fred had been spying on me and
Marcus for months.

"I wasn't to late now was I?" James asked as we exited the church after Rose and Scorpys wedding.

I kissed his cheek as we followed after the happy couple. "I guess you weren't seeing as I have a diamond on my finger placed by you. And that your mom is holding our child, no I don't think your very late."

James chuckled as we reached his mother, Ginny, "Here mom, I can take my baby back." Ginny pulled him away, "Just a bit longer," she whined.

I nodded softly, "Alright, just make sure to give him back before you leave. We don't want a replay of last time." She smiled innocently before walking to Hermione.

I turned to James as he pulled me into a hug as the happy couple set off to the party. "Come on we have a party to attend to."

*hope you guys liked it, I'll post again later today.

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