how you meet.

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( TOXIC ! )
how you meet!

dick grayson―
→you meet dick at a club. after a long night of working with green arrow, you finally were able to be free for a while. of course, you chose to go clubbing. dancing the night away seemed like a better idea than staying at home and watching movies of course. even though you were tempted to get a little bit tipsy, anything could have happened. you were determined to remain vigilant no matter what was going to happen. of course, because you were so focused on making sure that nothing bad was going to happen to you, a hand snaked around your waist. instantly, you flipped the man over your shoulder and grabbed the nearest barstool, threatening to smash it on his face. that was how you met dick grayson.

jason todd―
→you met jason todd at the bar (no surprise there). the bar wasn't the most "homey" place for you. but since your friends told you that this bar had the best piña colada drinks, you were eager to judge and see if your friends were right. which caused you to meet the "most handsome" man in your life. he was also there for the drinks and chose to sit beside you, frankly because he thought that you were beautiful. let's just say that you warmed up to him quite quickly as he gave you a cheesy pickup line. the rest of the night consisted of you two cracking jokes and laughing at the people who were singing for karaoke night.

tim drake―
→you worked part-time at a coffee shop that was inside of a bookstore. you were currently on the final minutes of your shift as a barista and that was when you met the most sleep-deprived boy of your life. tim drake. let's just say that he hadn't slept in quite a while, so when you met him, his raven hair was quite messy and he wore some black sweat pants and a gray long-sleeved shirt. he was here for his daily large cup of coffee. you found it funny to see that as soon as he saw you, his eyes finally opened more than before. while you were preparing his cup of coffee you noticed tim trying to fix his hair and you couldn't help but smile. 

damian wayne―
→you met damian wayne at a dodgeball game in your physical education class. every tuesday the male and female gym classes were combined, thus causing for the two of you to be on opposite teams. now, you were all for winning, you were definitely a competitive person. damian was just as competitive as you, which caused for you two to be team captains. nothing but chaos came after, let's just say the two of you ended up going to the principal's office for vulgar language and aggressive attacks. only what made the day better was that you made a new friend because of that game.

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