★ dating jason at hogwarts includes ★

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( TOXIC ! )
dating jason at hogwarts include!

—being friends with the weasley twins and lee jordan. jason had been best friends with them ever since he stepped foot in hogwarts which automatically meant that you would take help the four of them in creating some havoc. let's just say that there's a price to pay if you set other things before jason and his friends. take for example that one day when you were focused on finishing your essay for history of magic, you were the victim of one of their pranks and that didn't go too well. after all, all four of them ended up in the hospital wing
madam pomfrey: *looking at you while healing the boys* did they try to pull another prank on you
you: *shrugging* yeah, but it didn't work
jason: *wincing* not yet

―playing the second beater position with jason on the slytherin team. the two of you will wear each other's jerseys before the game, full-on covered in slytherin face paint, decked out in house pride. of course, when you two aren't playing against the weasley twins each of you is cheering one another on when it comes to your games. it's known that you and jason will be in the stands with the other gryffindors wearing the twins spare jerseys cheering at the top of your lungs
jason: dAmN, nice ass freddie!

―lots of PDA. i swear jason sometimes forget that there are literal eleven-year-olds attending hogwarts because he'll literally start making out with you in the middle of the corridors, kissing your neck (quite passionately, may i add) during dinner and let's just say that sometimes you two step out of some broomstick cupboards with a blushed face as people notice the hickeys on your neck. of course, jason never leaves you hanging *wink* *wink*

―jason EXCELS in defence against the dark arts. so maybe none of the teachers have remained in post for that long but each of them (minus lockhart, obviously) has noticed how quick he is to pick up on the subject. like, watch out harry because it looks like you have competition! let's just say that even though he's good at the class, it may explain how you've caught your boyfriend muttering quite intense curses under his breath. but let's be honest, who's he gonna harm?
jason: *casual shrug* hey, tim didn't finish my divination essay

―speaking of divination, can i just say that jason is also one of the "teacher's pets" when it comes to that stupid ass class. you think it's stupid that he's taking a useless elective but tell that to every girl that's in the class with him. each of them are practically fighting to get a chance to be jason's partner. he just has that sexy charm that makes each of them melt as he takes their palm and reads their fortune. you were quick to warn them that you would give each girl their fortune by punching them all in the face. to which jason only laughed and kissed your next, promising a "surprise" in the night

―staying up in the slytherin common room at night because you two are trying to finish essays that are due in your classes tomorrow. and by that, i mean you're finishing jason's essays too. bruce had sent jason a howler the last time he hexed tim for not finishing his essays. so jason was really trying to do his work, only he needed you to make sure what he wrote was smart enough. and what's jason doing? he's playing with your hair, stroking your back, kissing the nape of your neck and basically distracting you from finishing both of your essays. because damn, you really want to kiss him back

―him visiting you for christmas. you were spending the holidays with your families, and all that you were expecting was a parcel from jason that contained his christmas present to you. what you weren't expecting was that he was going to show up on christmas day, with snowflakes in his dark hair and an adorable crooked smirk with your present in his hands
jason: happy christmas, y/n
you: happy christmas, jason

―jason forcing you to prepare for exams. it's odd to see your boyfriend putting his nose in a book (that isn't your journal), let alone studying. but let's just say that he placed a bet with the weasley twins to see who would get the better marks. of course, you had to get dragged into helping jason study. besides, there was nothing more adorable than seeing your boyfriend scrunch his face up in confusion as was focusing all his energy on trying to study for his exams
jason: *flopping his head down on the table* y/n, i am going to die from reading this book
you: *stroking his locks of hair* oh, you poor baby

―yule ball. jason had been planning on asking you since day one and let's just say that you two were like the stars of the ball. dressed to the nines in only the best of clothing, you two danced in that ballroom as if there were crowns on your heads. everyone was staring at you two, either with admiration or utter jealousy. but it didn't matter, not while jason whispered something sexy in your ear and kissed your neck. not while this boy had something else on his mind

―punching a girl in the face. you had walked in late to your potions class only to see some ravenclaw girl was all over your man, stroking his hair and trying to sit on his fucking lap. you could feel your face burning red as you could see jason being uncomfortable by this girl's presence but obviously she wasn't getting the picture. you tapped her on the shoulder and punched her in the face, sure, you may have lost some house points but even jason noticed the smirk that snape had on his face

―you two being partners for muggle studies. the funny thing was that neither of you had any idea about anything muggle related (your parents and bruce are very centred around the magical world) so when your professor told you to research what a movie was, somehow you two ended up getting thrown into the world of star wars. and let's just say that your presentation involved him being han solo and you being princess leia. overall, you two were happy to watch star wars any given day since then

―relaxing after exams by the lake, jason just resting his head on your lap while you stroke his hair. sometimes the two of you will talk about random shit on your mind but for the most part, you two just sit in silence, feeling the warmth of the summer sun on your skin while you two sit and do nothing. it's in moments like this where you two can gaze at one another and just realize how beautiful the two of you are to each other

―skinny dipping on your last day before the summer holidays. that's right, it happened. let's just say that jason may have managed to sneak in some of bruce's firewhiskey from christmas and had been saving it for a moment like this. so you two got a little tipsy and found yourself skinny dipping in the dark. had it not been for fred and george who were outside of their dorms setting off fireworks, they would have never found the two of you. and trust me, the memory has scarred their minds for a lifetime
george: please tell me i did not just see you two naked?
jason: what? are you saying we're ugly when we're nude?

―visiting each other during the summer. well, more like jason visiting you. he showed to your home one day out of the blue but since your parents loved him like he was their son, they welcomed jason with open arms. let's just say that summer was "interesting" to say the least

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