you're finally "official."

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( TOXIC ! )
you're finally "official!"

dick grayson―
→you and dick became official during one of your missions. archer and nightwing were finally starting to become a partner business and it was fun to go on patrol with the grayson boy. of course, you two were still dating, but it hadn't quite been official. that was until you got shot. poor dick, he was so worried that you were going to die (although you were shot in the leg and your suit gave you some decent protection) and he raced you to the batcave. damian was the one who was currently in the batcave (because he was in "time out") and he came to your aid. the younger robin fussed and rolled his eyes as dick was constantly asking if you were going to be okay. once damain asked why dick cared so much, he snapped. "BECAUSE SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND YOU IDIOT!"

jason todd―
→in case you don't know, jason is quite the extra guy. he had to attend one of bruce's galas with the rest of the batfamily and you were his plus one. of course, jason hadn't told the others that you two were dating so you were worried if they were going to bombard you with countless of questions. and yet your boyfriend, looking so dashing in his tuxedo, just gave you a flirty wink before grabbing a glass filled with wine. you had no idea what he was going to do, but once he grabbed some silverware and chimed the glass, all eyes were on him. "i don't know if we're supposed to be doing toasts, but i thought i'd let you all know that i'm dating (y/n)!"

tim drake―
→tim confirmed your relationship with a kiss. and i know what you're thinking, seriously, that's it? there's more to the story that just the kiss. barbara had a hunch that there was something going on between you and tim. she would pester you as you would assist her with some things while she worked as the oracle. you didn't bother telling barbara that you and tim were an item because you were focused on making sure that the boys would come back from their missions. the current mission they had was quite a risky one. so when the boys came home, tim practically ran to you, and kissed you. which only mad barbara yell. "HA! I KNEW YOU TWO WERE DATING!"

damian wayne―
→you didn't think that damian would be the child that would keep secrets away from his father, but he did. let's just say that bruce found out the hard way that the two of you were dating. and by this, he walked in on you two about to have your first kiss. of course, damian freaked out and he dropped you to the ground (he wanted to kiss you like how they did in the movies). bruce couldn't help but try to contain a straight face without trying to laugh. "you really didn't think that a master detective like me didn't realize that you two were secretly dating behind my back." 

TOXIC, batboy preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now