i want you. i hate you

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i can't stop my heart from trying to claw its way out of my chest. i want you. fuck, i want you bad and i don't want you at all. how is that possible? my skin remembers your lips traveling down my body, leaving trails like the pathways of lava running down a mountain. my hands still holds the shape of your exotic jaws, my nose still remembers the smell of your sweat and your unearthly cologne. but my mind remembers the ice in your eyes and the venom in your words. how can something so beautiful be so deadly?

come over and look me up and down. send me into a never ending ecstasy. pin me against the wall with your soft lips and rough hands. i can't stay away. i can feel you in the layers under the skin that doesn't seem to belong to me. you are in the pits of my stomach, stirring the butterflies. i love the feeling but i hate feeling so vulnerable, like a lion trapped in a zoo being laughed at by a bunch of sugar-high kids, a tame predator, king of no jungle.

i cant stop wanting you and i hate you. i hate that i want you.

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