lost to the sea

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my love was taken
i knew that from
the very beginning
she was taken by the world
the beach
the sea

her eyes held the seas calm
pristine with seductive depth
and her hair was the sea's wrath
like waves rebelling
a sailor's nightmare
for it preferred to be with the air
than her head
pulling Houdinis
and escaping every bob and pin
known to man

she loved the sea
like birds love the sky
she spent hours sighing
and watching the waves crash
into each other
she loved searching for
sea shells
by the sea shore
her collection could make
a mermaid jealous

I guess i never understood her
i was more of an indoors guy
playing video games
binge watching tv shows
and reading thrillers
till my eyes turned to
melted butter
and my skin ached for sunlight

at a point
the sea loved her
more than i did
for one day
she dived between the waves
and never came up for air
now, many years later
i can't stop blaming myself
perhaps i could have loved her
more than the sea

on summer nights
i walk to the sea side
and listen to the waves
frothing like wild horses
and the palm fronds
whispering their secrets
to the breeze
i stare at the twinkling stars
and i try to imagine her
lying on the sea bed
sand littering her eyelashes
fish between her thighs
and her hair slowly turning to corals
but i can't seem to hold on
to that picture
for time has worked its
magic on my memories of her

and so i stare at the sea
with eyes that see everything
and eyes that see nothing
but i know
i once loved a girl
and she was lost
to the sea

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