a list of broken things

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we weren't in love
not really
we just loved the way we made
each other feel;
the corruption, the restless slumbers, the angst-filled poetry, the vertiginous triumph of our like-mindedness, the rotten smiles and how we'd
pay rent to the pain inside us
every morning

we were hungry wolves
howling at a cold, pale and majestic
we failed to see the beauty in
the setting sun, the clouds bleeding red
and the birds wheeling to wherever
home was

we could have been handymen
in a lopsided junk shop
surrounded by rows of wood, iron, veneer, glass, tin, bronze, us
we could have fixed fractures, patched holes and glued tears but the only
thing we would have ignored was

perhaps we might have attained
the beauty of broken words-
words left half said and placing
their weight on the eyes and in pockets of air-
if we had mended our cracks,
patched up our tears and lacquered our fissures in gold, like the art of kintsukuroi

maybe we might have been something more than companions in wretchedness

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