Chapter 5: Strange Looks

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"What? Zoe your crazy. She's been gone for years."  Pony looked scared.

"I saw her."


"In a dream."


"In a dream." I repeated.

"Zoe she's——— gone." Pony's voice was hoarse.

"She was there, standing on the muddy track, covered in blood."

Pony shook his head.

"Your Mum was found on the back seat, right?" I said.

"Ye—yea—yeah. Zol—" Pony was lost for words.

"Your sister wasn't in the car, was she?"

"No, but they said....... they said she was in the river."

"She's alive." I said bluntly.

"This is crap." Ponyboy said. "Your just tired. Zoe, your just tired. Your delusional."

Maybe I was. I felt overwhelmed, I still felt the the wet, clammy tears on my face.


I stayed quiet for a long time after that 'till we got to Pony's.

"This ya home Pony?" I said quietly.

He nodded and then looked at me kindly. "Sorry. Yeah."

"Sorry?" I was confused.

"I wasn't really sure how you would react." He stood there waiting for a reply. "I promise it's cool on the inside."

"Pony." I touched him on the shoulder. "It's beautiful."

He opened the door and walked in.

The front room was sure small. It had a sofa, a dirty rug on the floor and a tiny table next to an armchair that held a phone and lamp. The light from the lamp, light up the room so we weren't relying on the moonlight. The shadows on the walls, from the lamp, were staying still, like they were bored or worried.

"Pony. I'm real sorry. Real real sorry." A man said. "I-I-I-I I didn't mean to." He had broad shoulders and he looked well built. He was definitely strong with big muscles, but he looked sad, like he regretted something deeply. His eyes were like two greenish blue pearls that looked caring but protective at the same time; overprotective. His hair was a light brown colour that fell a bit like Pony's but way shorter and less greasy.

"It's cool Darry. Everything cool, man." Pony seem real laid back with him. He stood next to me for a minute but then winked and walked to sit on the sofa, next to Soda, who looked like a movie star like aways. He smiled at me, and I wished I didn't look like a scarecrow but instead actually look cute and presentable. I wished.

I felt so awkward, standing near the door way, hands under my the cuffs of my sleeves. I was in a room of boys that looked at me like they hadn't seen a girl in years. I smiled, 'cause I didn't know what to do except stand there awkwardly. I stepped back into Johnny's foot. "Sorry." I whispered and he just gave me a look that meant he was fine. I turned back to the room and the walls of the house I was in. "I don't mean no trouble."

Johnny stayed behind me which gave me more confidence. They seem real nice but, I'm sure ya would be nervous if you were in a room of people who you met a few minutes ago.

"No trouble." The man said. "No trouble at all." He smiled. He didn't seem to old, like in his twenties but the wrinkles of stress made him look older.

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