Chapter 6: Surrounded

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"Ain't it nice being a Soc." Pony muttered. He looked at me, shyly like he knew I was going to react. I did.

"What?" I bent my head to one side. We were walking down the street with cars driving past us and the chatter of people's conversation meeting our ears. "Ya wouldn't like it."

"I'm sure I would." Pony answered back.

"Ponyboy Curtis. What has gotten into ya?" I stopped and crossed my arms. "I told ya. It's rough all over."

He and Johnny stopped and looking back at me, they laughed.

"What." I moaned but I couldn't help but smile.

"Ya so cute when your angry." Johnny started.

I shook my head and scoffed, blushing.

It was silent for a minute and no one started to walk but then I understood why.

"Whatcha doing out 'ere all alone, girly."

Pony and Johnny backed away from me and suddenly I felt so alone. I turned 'round slowly to make me seem calm and collected but inside my body was screaming to run.

"I'm not alone." I answered trying to act tough but I could sense it wasn't working.

"Oh look. It's miss 'I'll punch someone if I get angry' Zoe." He said as I looked up at him. He touched his nose. "Ya got quite a punch. I'll never forget it." His group of boys laughed.

I raised my eyebrows. "What's ya name, again?" I asked as if I didn't remember who he was but in fact I knew from his sly smile.


I cut him off. "Not important." I stayed cool and his friends looked at me in awe. Michael's a sick name. It made me think of my dad.

"Not a good idea Zoe." He said through gritted teeth.

"It's Zola and I have to be going." I cut him off again. I didn't want to make a scene and I would rather take the mickey out of him than cause physical pain. I smiled sweetly but sarcastically and then started to turn 'round.

He grabbed my shoulder and I sighed. "I'm not scared of ya. No matter how pretty ya are." He said dirtily.

I laughed. "I'm flattered." I was acting like he wasn't annoying me but inside I just wanted to kick him in the stomach. "But just 'cause I'm a girl does mean I ain't as tough as ya." I said strongly.

"I learnt that from our encounter in math." He said slyly.

I smiled, remembering how I embarrassed him in front of everyone.

"C'mon. Punch me. Kick me. Anything."

I remember Randy telling me never to rise to stuff like that and to just to stay calm. He says that they will get bored after a while and he just said that to act calm, it gives people more of an impression that ya ain't interested. And that is exactly what I did.

"I have to be leaving." I winked at Johnny. I think Michael and his friends still thought I wasn't with them.

"Nah, girly everything has just begun."

He still had his hand on my shoulder and he wiped me 'round so I was facing him. He pulled me closer and I forgot everything 'bout being...... how should I put it..... posh. I lifted my foot and slammed it down on his toes. He let go of me instantly and screamed.

"Ya such a baby." I scoffed and walked away.

There was silence 'till there wasn't.

Pony's face turned from a grin to a worried expression real fast. "Zola. Watch out!" He shouted but it was too late.

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