Chapter 6. History is my favourite subject

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"I too you as a shy person."

I looked up and saw Ved looking at me with curious eyes.

I blinked and quickly averted my gaze and tapped Parth's shoulder. He turned towards me and I told him I needed to use the washroom. He told me the directions and I nodded my head. I picked up my phone and dashed away.

Once I got in the washroom, I calmed down. I dried myself up and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was sticking in all directions and clothes were dripping with water.

I didn't even bring extra pair of clothes with me. Well, I wasn't informed about a pool party you see.

Knock! Knock!

I opened the door and saw a maid with some clothes and a plastic bag in her hands. She told me Parth had sent her to give those to me. I thanked her and felt relieved that I wouldn't have to spend rest of the time in wet clothes.

I picked up a long sleeved shirt and put it on. It was over-sized. I put on the track pants and put my wet clothes in the plastic bag.

Was I over reacting? Ved was trying to talk normally and what did I do? Run away from him? This way he would surely get suspicious. How could he forget my face though? He really was an idiot.

Idea! I will talk to him first this time.

"Don't you have a sister or someone? This shirt is too big."

I complained as I approached Parth who was now all dry and dressed up in fresh clothes. He turned his head and looked over my appearance.

"That looks good on you," he smiled.

"Hi Ved!" I said and forced myself to smile. I believed it must have looked creepy to him. He furrowed his eyebrows and glanced over me.

"Are you bipolar?" he asked.


"You were acting all shy with me and now you are being friendly to me," he explained.

I glanced at Parth who was busy observing us. I pursed my lips. Did my move backfire?

"Well whatever. Nice to meet you. Finally." He extended his hand towards me and I just stared at it.

Parth nudged me and the bulb lit up. Oh right. I was supposed to shake his hand. Why did I act like a dumb person whenever Ved was around? I slowly brought my hand up and shook his hand.

"Your name?" he tilted his head.

Why do you need to know? Hasn't Parth already told you?

"Sandhya," I said in a low voice.

As if a signal was sent to his brain, his grip tightened and he narrowed his eyes. Parth excused himself as he was called up by a guest. No! Don't leave me alone.

"I knew you were familiar," Ved said and inched closer.

"I think you are talking about someone else."

I yanked my hand away and fake smiled. Someone save me!

"Kid!" Rajeev called and motioned with his hand to come over. Bless his soul. I ran towards him and glanced back over my shoulder. Ved was looking at me suspiciously.

"Why do you call her that? Isn't she too old for a kid?" Mayank asked.

Rajeev shrugged his shoulders and patted my head. Was I a dog? Mayank shook his head and called Ved over. We were gathered in the center of the floor. Some people were still dancing around.

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