Chapter 83. By mistake?

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Finally, I got my personal transportation. I imagined myself doing various kinds of stunts as I skipped towards Dad's scooter which officially was mine now. I would do wheely, stoppie, drift and maybe even have a race with those bus drivers who never came on time.

But I had to throw those adventurous thoughts away as soon as I sat down on the leather seat. The old metal piece squeaked under my weight and made a weird noise when I turned its handle. I patted its dashboard and apologized for cursing it before; I would have to respect it or it could malfunction to get revenge.

I put on my helmet and zoomed out on the streets. I started humming instantly and smiled knowing that I wouldn't get late from today onwards. I had my own scooter! I glanced around me and grinned when I saw some familiar faces at the bus stop.

I was really enjoying my ride and wondering about the volleyball team selection. Round one was going to be held today, and I hadn't prepared at all. I hoped I would make it because I really wanted to get back in sports and-

"What the hell?!" I instantly applied brakes and stopped my vehicle in time before it crushed the guy in front of me.

Does he have a death wish?

"Hi, Sandhya," Nikhil greeted.

I quirked up my eyebrow at him. "Could you move, please?"

He scratched his neck and glanced towards his house. Meanwhile, I turned my scooter to move past him, but he hopped in front of me in a flash. I narrowed my eyes at him; was he purposely planning to get run over by me?

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Can you give me a lift?" he requested.

"No," I refused. "What happened to your bike?"

"It... It is in... It is in the garage," he stammered.

"Then ask Lakshya bhaiyya to drop you. Why are you bothering me?" I retorted.

Is he suffering from memory loss?

"Bro just came yesterday. I can't ask him to do that; he needs rest. You will have to give me a lift," he demanded.

"I am not your servant."

He took out his mobile phone from his jeans' pocket. "If you won't agree, I will tell Mom that you refused me."

"Stop bluffing." I rolled my eyes.

What's up with him today? Why is he suddenly asking for a lift from me?

Nikhil smirked and called his mom. I widened my eyes when he began complaining to her; I snatched his phone from him. I heard Aunty telling him that she would come out herself, but I quickly told her that I would take her son with me and hung up the call.

"Why did you do that?" I questioned in annoyance and gave his phone back to him.

He shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the pillion seat without permission. I huffed and glared at him in the rear view mirror, but he ignored me. Begrudgingly, I started the scooter and drove through the busy roads with an idiot behind me.

Throughout the ride, he kept blabbering non-stop. I controlled myself from throwing him under the truck; I didn't want to go to jail that early. I sighed in relief once we reached the college's parking lot and he jumped off the vehicle.

"Thank you for the ride." He smiled. "Pick me up tomorrow too."

"What?! Tomorrow? I am not doing that," I hissed.

"I will tell Mom then," he threatened.

"What is wrong with you?"

"You only used to advise me to tell our parents everything, so that's what I am doing," he deadpanned.

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