Can't Fall In Love (Part 2)

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A week had passed and you were determined to forget Shawn's sorry ass, you were an independent woman and didn't need a man to come and ruin your plans. At least that's what you have been telling yourself before bawling your eyes out every now and then before bed. Life seemed so grey without him, every little thing reminded you of him and it hurt, it hurt really bad. 

Today you were headed to your favorite coffee shop to get some work done and hopefully win some time off for yourself, but your plans got quickly ruined by a curly-haired man that had his eyes just too brown and shiny. You noticed him when the waited had given you your food and went to give him his, his stare was burning through your skin and you felt really uncomfortable, but mostly sad and bothered. 

Breaking the staring contest off, you decided to focus on your work, or at least make it look like it. A few minutes after, Shawn was pulling out a chair in front of you and taking a seat on your table, disturbing your relaxed working environment.

"What?" You said as dry as possible, anger climbing up your body and ready to kick him where it would hurt, but decided against it.

"I want to talk, please," he replied with a soft tone and those puppy dog eyes that made you weak at the knees.

"Fuck off, Mendes!" His hand reached for yours and you quickly took it out of the table. "Hands to yourself, please."

"C' mon Y/N, this is childish."

"Childish!" You yelled a little to loud and scoffed when you noticed everyone stared at you in annoyance, grabbing your stuff and shoving them in your bag before tossing it over your shoulder and leaving the cafe. Obviously, Shawn was hot on your heels, following like a lost puppy. "You know what I think is fucking childish, Shawn, was you leaving me without and explanation, breaking my heart and don't even caring!"

"I'm sorry, okay? I- I got scared and I just thought I was the best for us... for you. My life is just, complicated and-."

"You don't get to say that," you were crying now, not even caring who saw or who recognized him because he was an asshole and you were mad. "You can't decide what's best for me, yeah?! It's my life and I was happy with you Shawn, so please stop making up excuses and leave me alone."

"Y/N, that's not-."

"Enough, please. Have a nice fucking life, Shawn. I really hope you find someone who's not as weak as me and handles you fame better, dipshit!"

Pressing the button hanging form your car keys, the lights went on and off and you entered the car quickly, closing the door with force. You left that place as soon as possible and arrived to your apartment, ready to sleep this off and maybe have some wine.

The doorbell rang and you groaned, assuming it was a package or something you had to get, but you soon realized it was your friend visiting you when you had totally forgotten about her. You opened the door and her big smile fell, taking your appearance and tear-stained cheeks; she dropped her purse and hugged you, rubbing your back while you broke down between her arms.

"Shh, its okay baby. Let it out." You choked on a sob but closed the door, wiping your tears away and drowning the last bit of wine from your glass.

"I-I'm so-sorry," you said between hiccups, blowing your nose and dying your tears off with the tissue.

"What happened, darling?"

That fucking nickname.

"Don't get mad, it's difficult to explain. But I was seeing someone and he-he just broke it off just when-when I thought we were getting somewhere and... I just miss him a lot, you know? And I love him and I was sure he reciprocated but now I'm just an idiot," you took a long breath and your friend hugged you again.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. You don't deserve that at all. Did he at least explain?"

"That's the thing, he just said his life was complicated and it was what's best for me."

"Men" she rolled her eyes and I chuckled tiredly. "What's his name?"

"S-Shawn." she didn't catch on to who he might be because, lets be real, it wasn't every day your best friend dates a famous singer.

"Well, time to forget that scumbag. Let's watch Spiderman and try to hook you up with Tom Holland, baby," you laughed.

"But you hate superhero movies"

"Yeah but you don't," she said and you smiled.

It reminded you of afternoons watching Harry Potter with him, but it would do the trick, you guessed.

At that very same moment, Shawn was at his condo, pacing around until Camila knocked on the door.


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