Kisses (Daddy Shawn) (Cute)

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PM me for personal imagines. 

This imagine is for @gilinskybabyyyyyyyyy


It was peaceful in the Mendes household on that particular Saturday, with The Lion King playing on the TV as it rained outside, the house shielding its inhabitants from the bitter cold.

Shawn felt so utterly happy and content in his home with his beautiful wife and children that he had to remind himself it was real. Both Shawn and Y/N lay on the huge couch with Skyla and Caleb between them, all four of them cuddled up to one another.

As he relished in the warmth that surrounded him, Shawn began to pepper kisses to Skyla's head, and she let out the sweetest little giggle at her father's actions. When he did the same with Caleb, Shawn's son actually turned his head and sloppily kissed his father's cheek, making his heart burst with love for his children.

Finally, he turned to his wife, who had been watching the scene unravel in front of her with a big smile on her face, and the two shared content smiles. Shawn leaned forward to hold Y/N's chin gently in his hand and tilted her face forward to kiss her head properly.

Her smile somehow widened at that, and she responded by pressing a soft kiss to Shawn's scrunched up nose. Of course, all of this went unnoticed by the two little monkeys who lay between the couple, because they were too engrossed in their movie and were now singing along to 'I Just Can't-Wait To Be King'.

A few minutes later, Y/N got up and turned towards the room, mumbling something about going to the bathroom. Shawn slyly followed suit because, quite frankly, both of them had hectic jobs and children in the house and alone time was sadly limited to stolen kisses in the night on most days.

Hell, most days they were too tired to do anything but sleep even when they were finally alone. So, as soon as Y/N stepped out of the bathroom, her husband was there to hold her in his arms, trapping her there, and she welcomed the closeness.

Unbeknownst to Shawn and Y/N, who were too wrapped up in each other (literally) to notice, their darling children had realized that both their parents were absent, and now sneakily entered their parents' bedroom. The older of the two at five years old, Skyla, instructed her brother to stay quiet as they hid behind some heavy curtains and made sure they weren't visible to their parents.

The parents in question, oblivious to the little birdies spying on them, remained in their little love bubble, Y/N now settled comfortably into Shawn's lap and sweet-talking him into giving her what she wanted. "I love you so much, baby," Shawn said to his wife, making her laugh and bite her lip.

"Well, why don't you tell me how much you love me?" Y/N's words were suggestive, and Shawn's lovesick smile morphed into a knowing smirk before he complied by capturing her lips in a lingering kiss. "You love me that much, huh?" Y/N mumbled teasingly into the kiss, but Shawn pressed his lips to hers once again, effectively making her shut up.

Skyla, now tired of the hiding and watching her parents kiss, chose that moment to abandon her little mission and came out of her hiding spot with a loud shout. Both Shawn and Y/N let out startled screams, obviously not anticipating their daughter suddenly appearing from behind the curtain.

Unashamed and laughing at her parents' reactions, Skyla jumped onto the bed and joined her stunned parents on the bed. "Dogpile!" Caleb followed as well with a hearty giggle, jumping onto his father and making him let out a groan of pain.

Skyla and Y/N laughed at that, and Shawn pouted at them as he rubbed his side. "You think this is funny, baby? I'll show you funny," Shawn started to tickle his wife and both Skyla and Caleb joined in soon after, all three of them set on torturing Y/N who was laughing but crying for mercy.

Eventually, Skyla and Caleb tired themselves out and the flurry of heartfelt giggles that had spread through the room stopped. "Kyla? Get up sweetheart, come on-" Shawn tried to get his daughter to sit from where she had slumped over on the bed, but she only let out a little groan.

"We can't get them to their beds without waking them up, and I'm too tired for that. Just let them be, babe." Y/N adjusted Caleb's head so that it was on a pillow instead of Skyla's tummy, and then motioned for Shawn to turn off the lights. After taking his shirt off, he slipped into bed as well and snuggled up to his children and wife.


Even after they had made their Dad sing for them twice and pouted at their Mom until she read their favorite book once again to them, Skyla and Caleb refused to go to sleep. "Come on, it's late already and you have school tomorrow Kyla," Shawn reminded the five-year-old as Y/N tried to get their wild, giggly son into bed.

He kept trying to convince his daughter to go to bed but she refused stubbornly. Deciding that she had had enough, Y/N walked up to her daughter and worked what Shawn lovingly called the "Mommy Magic", managing to get the stubborn little girl into bed in less than two minutes.

Skyla and Caleb shared a bed because the younger of the two was big on cuddles, and Skyla was very attached to her brother. "I love you, baby." Y/N said softly to Caleb as she sat by his side, gently stroking his cheek as she adjusted the blanket over his little body.

An enthusiastic shout of "I love you so much, mommy!" was Caleb's response, and it warmed both Shawn and Y/N's hearts. "How much do you love mommy? This much?" She asked her son with a smile playing on her lips as she held her fingers apart a little, eyebrows raised in question.

Caleb shook his head vigorously at that and leaned upward to press a sloppy kiss right onto his mother's lips. "I love you that much!" He settled back into bed with a smile after his little declaration, not quite understanding why his mommy and daddy were laughing so hard.

The reason for the couple's laughter was actually that they had realized where their son drew inspiration for his actions; both Caleb and Skyla had witnessed their parents do something similar the day before. Skyla, who had been watching silently did not want to be left behind, so she leaned forward to wrap her arms around her mother.

Another kiss was pressed to Y/N's lips, this one a little less wet but just as cute, making her wrap her arms around her daughter and hold her tight as she shed a few tears. She almost couldn't believe how far she had come, and how much her babies had grown already.

Shawn realized that he could never put the amount of love he had for his family into words as he watched the scene unfold in front of him, but figured he could try to show them at least. "Everyone kisses Mommy on three; One, two-" Shawn counted down with the biggest smile on his face, and all Y/N could really do was laugh through her tears of happiness as her husband and children tackled her onto the bed.

They pressed kisses into any part of her face that they could reach, the three of them giggling all the way. Here, on the receiving end of kisses from her little family and amidst their laughs, Y/N swore she had never been happier.


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