Hallway (Heated Makeout Session)

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It shocked you to see Shawn's Jeep in the driveway when you pulled in from picking Skyla and Raul up from school.

It was a Thursday which meant it was a studio night for him, homework and bath night for you. Skyla was in kindergarten now while Raul was in second grade, meaning you've grown into a routine what the day after school looks like for them.

"Is Dad home?" Raul asked puzzled at the sight of the Jeep too.

"Um, I guess so, I thought he was working tonight."

"Me too, he told me to help you clean up dinner when he dropped us off at school this morning." Raul unbuckled himself, leaning over to undo Skyla's buckle.

She's new to her booster seat, and Raul has taken it upon himself to help her in and out of the car.

Shawn had made a comment a few months ago about opening doors for girls, and while Raul knew Shawn was always opening your door, he wanted to be the one to open Skyla's.

You waited by the porch as Raul held Skyla's hand as she jumped from the car. Her backpack was swung over your shoulder so she could carry her new art project by herself.

You checked the door and sure enough, it was unlocked, going to prove that Shawn was actually home.

"Mom, can we have a snack before homework?" Raul asked, shutting the door behind him.

"Sure bud, I cut up some apples earlier today, get some for your sister with some peanut butter please."

"Come on Sky!"

You watched with a content smile as your kids ran off to the kitchen. Turning on your heel you started to head to the kid's playroom wherein the corner you've set up a homework station, stocked full of art supplies.

On your way down the hall, Shawn stepped out of your bedroom, wearing nothing but his basketball shorts and some socks, holding the full laundry hamper you've been meaning to get to all day.

"Hey, Gorgeous!" He smiled as he saw you.

His silver wedding ring sparkled as the sun from the window hit it, and when it flashed in your eyes so did everything around you.

You had this astounding human being as your partner, and damn did he look good without a shirt on.

You smiled as he started to walk past you, but before he could you reached over and grabbed his chin, pulling him down to your lips.

"Woah," He mumbled, turning slightly so he could properly kiss you.

And kiss you he did, when you sucked on his bottom lip he slipped his tongue in your mouth, giving you a heated kiss you haven't had in a while.

You pulled away satisfied, starting to walk the rest of the way down the hall.

Shawn though had other plans. He dropped the hamper and turned to chase you down. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked, getting you to look over your shoulder. "You don't get to kiss me like that and walk away. Get your fine ass over here." He turned you around to face him, pushing you back against the wall.

His kiss was heated and passionate. It was wondering hands and swallowed moans. It was all the pent up sexual tension unleashed. His hands found your ass, giving you an appreciative squeeze.

"Come here," He murmured into your mouth, pulling you up. You jumped, legs wrapping around his narrowed waist. "God I've missed you."

It'd been a while since you and Shawn had a moment like this.

He was busy writing the new album, having a set writing and recording scheduled that worked as best it could with yours and the kids. When he did come home you were dead tired, or vice versa.

"The kids are in the kitchen."

"So we have a little time?" He grinned against your neck where he was successfully sucking a love bit to your skin.

"No," You giggle, sighing as he licked over the sore spot.

"We can swing it, it's not like we haven't before."

"Shawn!" You hit his shoulder, earning his husky chuckle. "It's like you're 19 again."

"I like that compliment." He pulled back to look at you. "We were pretty adventurous then." He raises his eyebrows.

You blush at the memories of your dating days. You guys were crazy, constantly finding ways to have a little alone time.

"That's how we got Raul," You warn him, "And Skyla."

"Three wouldn't be so bad." He shrugged.

You scoffed pushing his chest enough to get him to drop you. "Right, well this time around you can push them out."

He laughed, wrapping his arms around you and walking with you to the kid's room. "Come on, you're telling me you don't want another? Skyla's 5 now, she's not my baby anymore."

"And what are you going to say when the next ones 5?"

"One more?" He bites at your ear lobe.

"Oh my god," You giggle. "You just like babies."

"They're so cute, especially when they look like you."

"You might be able to sell me on a third, but that's all you're getting buddy."

"We'll see." He grins, leaning back in for another kiss.


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Shawn Mendes ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora