Morning Run

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Having three young kids and a husband who can't always be home because of his work is never easy. This week has been especially rough for you because Shawn is promoting his newest album and doing press, which means your home with the three kids.

You know you should be used to it by now, but the morning routine is always harder when he's gone. Sometimes you can't help but wonder how you thought that having so many kids was a good idea, how you thought you'd ever be able to manage, but you have managed. For a week, you've managed, and now you only have one more week to go. Whatever it takes, you know you and Shawn are going to make it work for as long as he has to be traveling for his job. This is a forever thing, you've already made that clear, and his career is something you'd never even think of asking him to give up.

When you awake, you're surprised to notice it isn't to the blaring sound of your alarm that pulls you from your sleep prematurely every morning. You lay there in bed, thinking that your alarm is probably going to go off at any second, but when it doesn't, you open your eyes and reach for your phone to see what time it is.

At first, you think you must be mistaken because the phone says, 9:08. There are two reasons you know that it has to be wrong. One is that your alarm was set for six in the morning, you're sure of it because you set it before you went to bed last night. The second thing is that even if your alarm had somehow failed to go off, your kids would have definitely woken you up before it got this late.

You try to figure things out, knowing that if it was nine, your two older kids would already be late to school. When you drag yourself out of bed, down the hallway to the kid's bedrooms, you find that they're empty. You start to panic, wondering what could have happened to them. All the bad possibility run through your head. You jog down the stairs, wasting no time, and when you get closer to the bottom you can hear the sound of cartoons on the tv.

You're shocked to see Shawn seated on the couch with your youngest daughter on his lap. He's wearing that pink sweatshirt of his that you love, and he has the biggest smile on his face when he sees you. Although you're still confused and surprised, you run to him. Every worry is suddenly gone. All that matters now is that he's here.

"What are you doing home?" You ask, as he stands and wraps his arm around you, your daughter in his other arm.

"I missed you." He says, then adds, "I missed my family." He says, kissing you on the lips, and you let him linger a while. You haven't seen him in what seems like forever, even though it was only a week. It was long one without him here.

"Why didn't you wake me?" You question, still holding on to him. He's been gone way too long and you aren't ready to let go just yet.

"I know you were tired, so I got the kids up and ready for school. I surprised them."

"Thank you," You're so happy he's home, but you're also grateful that he let you sleep in. "You surprised me too." You add, tilting your chin up for a kiss, which he gladly gives you.

He sits down, pulling you down next to him on the couch, and you cuddle into his side as he holds the baby on his lap. She's perfectly content in her daddy's arms. She always has been.

"Shawn?" You question when you remember something.

"Hmm?" He says, looking over to you.

"Did you remember Scarlett's poster board she was supposed to take to school today?"

"Mhmm," He says, "Got the poster board. I also made the lunches. We didn't have any more of those fruit drink things they like so I just put the fruit cups in instead. And I packed Scar's dance stuff for after school. Don't worry babe. I can do the morning run." He tells you confidently, pulling you closer to himself.

"Thank you." You respond, then add, thinking aloud, "I kept meaning to go to the grocery store, but it been so crazy lately." Because that's the reason why you're out of the fruit drinks.

"Don't worry. I stopped there after dropping the kids off at school." He tells you. "Used the list from the fridge."

And your eyes get wide. Shawn always tries to help with the kids and everything else when he's home, but this was so unexpected since you didn't think he'd be home for a while. You thought you'd still have to do everything on your own.

"You're the best husband. I love you." You tell him.

He smiles, "I love you too. Do you have a lot of work to do today?" He questions, knowing you work from home so your mornings are mostly filled with work and your afternoons filled with whatever the kids are doing.

You think for a moment. "I have some, but I'd rather spend time with you."

"Okay good, because I want to take two of my three favorite girls out to brunch." 


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