Chapter 33

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Saturday night, Jungkook has been on a roll at the night club keeping himself busy on the dance floor. Getting himself almost drunk, but not quite yet. He battles with the strange emotions he has been feeling. Jimin and Taehyung insisted that he goes home but he pushed them away. Telling that he needs the fun and he will be home safe without their help.

He needs to distract himself

Swaying his way to the table, slumping himself on the wooden stool he asked the bartender for a drink. Eyes scanning the entire dim venue, flinching when he feels his phone vibrating from the insides of his jacket pocket. He reads the numbers, arching an eyebrow when he realized it is an unknown number.


"Uhhh hello? Is this J-JK?"

"Who is this?" he asked confusedly

"I am calling from the bar, Patio 97, the owner of this phone has your number on her favorite contact list. She is—"


"Actually, she is a regular here. We call her Miss Hani. Apparently, she is really really drunk, and we are closing. I am assuming you must be her friend or boyfriend since you're on the speed dial too. Do you think you can come and pick her up?"

"Please watch over her. I'll be there as fast as I can"

Panic and also very confused, Jungkook dashed out of the club straight to his car. He didn't need to think twice about going to the bar to pick her up. He couldn't think, too overwhelmed when the guy who called him mention Hani has his number on her speed dial. Thousands of questions popping in his head, unsure about the reason she has his number.

So, everything she said that day was lie. She didn't throw the note. She even saved his number into her phone. Why must she lie? Why on earth must she lie to him?

He needs to be patient, putting all emotions aside and get to Hani as fast as he can.

He needs to see Hani and make sure she is safe.

Barging through the door of the bar, he scans the empty bar, panics when he couldn't spot Hani. Walking into the small bar, he sees a man behind the counter busy wiping the glasses at the small sink. Turning to his left, he looks at him as he placed the glass on the table.

"Are you...JK?"

"Yes", he nods. "Where is Hani?"

"She's there. On the couch. She drank a lot tonight. Maybe too much. She was never like this. Something might have happened I guess", he pointed at the small couch at the left side of the bar, gesturing Jungkook to go to her at the same time. "Take your time, don't rush"

"Thank you for calling. I owe you", he replied as his eyes shifts to the body lying on the couch.

"No problem"

Sighing to himself, he walks towards the couch slowly as he watches Hani tightening her grip on the bottle she has in her right hand. Realizing that she might be half awake, he leans forward trying to remove the bottle from her hand. Placing the bottle on the table, he looks at her softly. That sudden urge to protect her builds up, the side of him he never knew he has. Hani being in her utmost vulnerable state triggers the protective side of him, wanting to do everything just to ensure she is safe and secured.

Strange feeling but it feels right

"You're hereeeeeeeeeeee. Do you know how bad I have been missing youuuuuu?", she turns to him, laughing as she tries to sit up right but fails.

"You're drunk. Come, let me take your home", he said softly

"NOOOOOOOOOOO. I don't want to go home I want to sleep here and wait for Jungkook to comeeee", she waves her hand at him

"I am here. I am here. Can you see me?", he caught her hands, bringing her cold palm to his face.

Hani squints her eyes, unable to register anything in that drunk state. Instead she looks at him, pinching his face as she tries to stand only to stumble on her own heels falling into Jungkook's strong arms.

"You are lateeeeee why are you lateeeee I have been waitinggggg", she mumbles

"I got you babe. Now, let's go home, shall we?"


Gently placing Hani on his bed, he pulls the sheets over her body making sure she is comfortable as she sleeps. Hani passed out in his car on the way to his apartment. Leaving him with no choice but to carry her all the way up to his house. Sitting beside her sleeping body, he watches her sleep peacefully, feeling his mixed emotions crashing his entire body. So many questions in his head but he needs to be patient.

Why does Hani have his number on speed dial?

He looks at her face, perking a smile as he realized how bad he misses her all this while. Reaching for her face, he pushed the strands of her hair to the back of her head. She looks tired for some reason, her face looks a little swollen compared to the last time he saw her at the café. He placed her phone on the night-stand, dimming the night light so that she could sleep soundly. He turned to look at her once last time before closing the door to the room.

Looks like he needs to wait for the morning to come, patiently.



Hello everyone! First, I am terribly sorry for the late update. Second, I am sorry for the super short update T_T. I hope this short quick update is still enjoyable! I will try to update more as soon as the weekend comes! But thank you for reading my book! Im always grateful for yall!

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