Chapter 1-Graduation

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Ten Months Later

Harry stood outside of the school. It was finally that time. High school graduation...It was finally here. The person he was talking to on the phone was Gwen. Since Goblin's attack, she and Peter had sort of...separated due to some personal stuff (the spider powered sort). Her mom found a job in New Jersey, and they agreed to try and remain friends. They hadn't talked for a while, so she called Harry to see how Pete was doing.
"So, let me guess...he's not at the school yet," Gwen said with a giggle.
Harry laughed back. "Of course he's not. You know him, Gwen. He's probably out superheroing, or whatever the hell he does on his spare time." He ran his fingers through his hair. "He's become crazily socially awkward nowadays. Between being Spider-Man and trying to work on photography at the daily bugle, he doesn't get out in public a lot."
Gwen nodded. "Well, that means he's probably not at the office then. By the way, how's business?"
"Booming, actually," Harry said proudly. "Prescription medications from cross-species tech is everything we sell. We've got two great guys doing it."
Gwen smiled. It was nice to know that everything was going good for them. "Who are they?"
"Otto Octavius and Kurt Connors. They're actually old friends of Uncle Ben and Pete's dad."
She hadn't heard that name in a while. "Well, those menn wefe almost geniuses, so I trust that they're doing well."
"Yeah..." There was a pause. "So, um... Did you tell Peter about... You know?"
Gwen was puzzled for a second. What was he talking about? Then she finally realized to what he was referring to. She sighed. "No."
"Gwen, you're gonna have to sooner or later..." He sounded disappointed in his friend.
"Harry," Gwen said with yet another sigh, "what the hell am I supposed to tell him? Am I supposed to go, 'Hey, Peter, remember when we were dating and I almost died and you gave me your blood to save my life? Guess what...It gave me your powers and I absolutely hate it!' Am I supposed to tell him that?"
Harry rubbed between his eyes. "No... Yes... Shit, I don't know, Gwen. But all I know is that if you don't tell him soon, he'll be heartbroken for you keeping it from him this long."
"I'll...I'll think about it."
"Thank you."
Gwen had to change the subject before it got any more awkward. "So, is he still not there yet?"
Harry shook his head. "No... I don't know where he is. Hey, listen, I'll call you back. I'll call him and see what's up."
"Okay. Bye, Harry. Anyway congratulations on graduating, and tell Pete congrats on valedictorian."
"I will. Bye." He hung up and switched to Peter's contact. Before he could press the call button, Liz, Harry's, now, fiance ran over to him. He proposed to her a couple months back and had been living together in the Osborn mansion for a while.
"Harry," she said while grabbing his arm, "graduation is about to start."
"Alright..." he said while looking at his phone. "Peter's not here yet. I hope that he's alright."
She rolled her eyes. "He's probably out superheroing, babe. Come on..."
He went with her and began to call Peter. "Pick up, dude..."

Peter sat on top of a grocery store roof in his Spider-Man suit looking down at an alley. Like most alleys in New York City, there was some type of crime in it. More specifically, this crime in this alley was a mugging. A man had a knife to his throat and was being held against a wall by five guys.
"C'mon, guys," the man pleaded. "I've got a family."
The thief with the knife pressed it against his throat a little more. "I don't care, buddy boy... You'll be able to support them if you get out of this alive. So give us your damn wallet."
Peter's suit had upgraded greatly since his battle with Norman on top of the Empire State Building. It's fabric was lightweight carbon fiber with semi-padding overlay. His eyepieces were eye tracers, and when his eyes moved, they moved with them. Harry added it to make him "seem more human." To Peter, it was a little freaky.
Spidey brought out the new web-bomb that he and Harry had been working on. He began to fiddle with it. "Set to five..." he mumbled to himself.
"Okay, that's it," the man with the knife said. "You're dead now man!"
"Please no!"
Quickly, Spiderman dropped in between the man and the criminals. They all took a step back. "Crap, it's Spider-Man!" one exclaimed.
Peter tossed the bomb to the lead thief. "Hold that, will you?" After he caught it, Spidey turned and grabbed the man being mugged. "Hang on." With two wall jumps, he reached the roof again and set the man down. The criminals looked at the orb that was in their leader's hands. Suddenly, it exploded and webbed them all to the walls, knocking them out. Peter screamed like a little girl. "YES! It worked!"
The man smiled. Relieved, he said, "That was awesome, Spidey. Thanks for saving me."
Peter turned and winked at him. "No problem, sir. Just being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."
Suddenly, he began to feel his phone buzz in his hidden pocket on his hip. He took it out a saw who it was.
"Harry, guess what?!" Peter said excitedly.
Harry jumped at Peter's greeting. "Pete, where the hell are you?"
"Um...superheroing? Listen, Harry... The web-bombs... They work!"
"What?" Harry asked excitedly. He realized that he was in a room full of people and decided to quiet himself. "That's awesome."
"Yeah..." Peter sighed. "So what are you doing right now?"
Harry's raised an eyebrow. "Um, I'm about to go through graduation, did you forget that we were graduating?"
Peter felt like an idiot. Of course he forgot. "Oh crap, yeah! Listen I'll be there in like 2 minutes."
Harry sighed. "Hurry, Pete."
Spiderman hung up and looked at the man that he saved. "Um, look. Sorry to leave you up here, but I'm running extremely late for something. So, um, call 911 and tell the cops what happened." After that, he swung away.
After about a minute, he made it to his school. He changed quickly out of his suit on the roof and put on his cap and gown. Pete ran into the school and saw Harry.
His friend smiled sarcastically. "Thirty seconds to spare. Come on and get in line."
He got in line with all of his classmates. Soon, graduation began to start. As he walked, he saw Aunt May taking pictures.
After they sat down, the principal called up Peter to give his valedictorian speech. Of course he forgot to write a speech. He'd been so busy all week that he'd completely forgotten about this whole thing. He smiled and walked up to the podium anyway. Pete tapped on the microphone and began to speak.
"Um, hello, everyone. My name is Peter Parker and I'm this year's valedictorian. But I guess you already knew that." He drew some laughs from the crowd. "I'm not very good at speeches, but I'll try my best. My fellow classmates, we're graduating. There's nothing more to it. To the world, we're adults now. Whether we go to college or go get a job, or whatever we do, I just want to say that you need to believe in yourself.
These last two years of my time here have been... Quite eventful. I got basically the dream job with my best friend in the entire world. And, this year, I'll be the best man at his wedding. Now, I always saw myself as the unluckiest nerd in the world, but all of this has happened to me...among other things. I just want to say, that when you see your family after this, your friends...tell them 'thank you' for believing in you every step of the way, even if you didn't believe in yourself. Thank you, and have a great rest of your lives." He received a round of applause and he went and sat down. He felt proud of himself.
After they gave the students their diplomas and graduation ended, Peter went over to May and gave her a big hug. She kissed his cheek. "Oh, Peter, I'm so proud of you..."
"Thanks, Aunt May," he said with a smile.
She patted his back and sighed. "I know Ben would be proud of you, too."
He nodded. "Yeah... I think so, too."
Harry ran over to him and May with Liz. May gave them both a hug and told them congratulations. "Listen, Peter. I'll be at the house beginning packing your stuff. I'll see you later."
"Okay, May. Love you."
Liz was confused. "You're moving?"
"Yeah," Peter said. "In with Harry and you." Liz eyed her fiance. "If that's alright with you, future Mrs. Osborn."
Liz giggled and punched Peter's shoulder. "Of course that's alright, Peter. You're basically family."
Harry nodded. "What can I say, babe? It wasn't a hard bargain for him. Free rent and he gets to live in a mansion."
Liz agreed sarcastically. "True that. Hey listen, babe, I'm gonna go ahead on home. I'll see you later tonight, huh?"
Harry kissed her. "Okay, babe. See you tonight."
Liz waved. "Bye, Pete."
"Bye, Liz." She walked away and got to her car. Harry turned to Peter.
"So, of course you're coming to the party tonight." he said.
Peter put his eyes to the ground. "I don't know, man."
Harry grabbed his friend's shoulder. "Pete, you might find a nice girl there. I know that you're still not over the whole breakup with Gwen, but you gotta move on. You're still friends and that's all that matters."
Peter nodded. "Yeah I guess so..."
"By the way, she told me to tell you congratulations."
He smiled. Knowing Gwen still cared about him made him feel good. "That's good. I wonder when she graduates."
"I don't know," Harry responded. "Honestly I don't care. We're gonna have a party tonight... We'll probably get drunk, and that's okay. We'll have a good time."
Peter nodded. "Yeah."
"I'll see you tonight, then."
Harry was about to walk away, but he remembered something important. "Oh, by the way. MJ is gonna be there tonight."
Peter was silent for a moment. "MJ's back?"

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