Chapter 18-Redeemed

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   None of them could really believe what was happening. Otto...was on the other side now. Peter Parker, the kid that he was trying to kill; his enemy was now his ally. Electro's electric blast worked! Rhino tried to remove Otto's grip from his hand, but the claws just kept getting tighter. Otto kept getting closer, slowly, to his former allies.
   "No more will this carry on..." he said sternly, gritting his teeth. "No more will I be a monster!!!"
   Peter smiled and got ready to fight. "Welcome back, Doc," he said. Otto looked at him with an expression that was disappointment mixed with happiness, and he nodded at him. "Let's do this," Spidey said, picking up his mask and putting it back on.
   Rhino grabbed the mechanical arm that had him in a hold and slung Otto against the wall. Angry, Doc Ock came back with a punch with two of his mechanical wonders. Vulture charged Harry with his wings, which was briefly stopped with a combustion orb to his knee. Spiderman looked over at Gwen and winked at her. Somehow, she knew what he was thinking. Using his arm with his good wrist, he slung her towards Scorpion. Gargan wasn't ready, and her foot crashed into the side of his face with great force. He snarled and got back up, ready to stab her with his sharpened venomous tail. Kraven lunged at Electro but was easily thrown off with a quick electrical surge. He looked down and saw Kraven's motionless body. He had killed him.
   And there stood Max. He didn't know what to do anymore. He was in ecstasy from everything that was happening, that he honestly didn't know who...what he was fighting for anymore. He had killed Kraven now and he knew that was the only way to end this. He knew Parker wouldn't kill them, but he would. Killing was easy for him now. Killing for him was as easy as breathing.
   Otto used his two top arms to grab Rhino's wrists. His bottom two began to punch back and forth into his abdomen. Aleksi felt the metal joints bulge into his skin, and it hurt someone even like him. Angrily, he grabbed the two top arms and slung Otto away from him again.
   Peter's spider sense decided to act too late, and Otto came crashing on top of him. Peter winced in pain as he tried to get up, but his wrist was crushed, he couldn't do anything, and now Otto was unconscious on top of him.
   Rhino walked over to them and laughed in his booming voice. Spidey desperately tried to push Otto off of him, but the arms kept getting in the way. Aleksi raised up a fist, ready to end it all. "Now, I crush you...properly this time."
   Harry looked over at what was happening and shouted. "Peter!!!" He threw his last combustion orb at Rhino's arm, but he swatted it away. While Harry wasn't looking, Adrian took one of his wings and smacked Harry off of his feet, and watched him land hard. Harry tried to get his feet under him, but he landed on his neck, and everything was beginning to be blurry. He looked over at Peter and Otto, feeling helpless.
   Gwen saw both of these things and went into attack mode. "Oh no..." she whispered to herself. After punching Scorpion away, she shot a web to Rhino's hand and another to Vulture's wings. She pulled both of them away from her friends as hard as she could, but suddenly, Scorpion came out of nowhere and tackled her to the ground. He held her hands to the ground and cackled. He put his nose to the side of her face and sniffed. "Ahh, you smell like muerto, senorita..." His tale slithered around him and it's razor needle stared her in the eye. "Time to show you what it tastes like...."
   Four deaths ready to happen in an instant... Gwen, Otto, Peter, and Harry; not to mention Kurt or Felicia who might've been dying from their injuries. Suddenly, they all heard someone shout.
   "NO MORE!!!"
   It was Max. He grabbed a metal rod and stuck it into Vulture's arm. Adrian shouted in pain as it sunk deeper and deeper into his muscle. After he slung it out, leaving a monster gash, he jammed the pole into his abdomen and sent an electric surge into him, killing him instantly.
   Max then threw the electrified rod at Scorpion, hitting him in the side of the head. The instant kill made Mac's body quiver as smoke began to rise from the side of his head.
   After running over to him and Gwen, Max pulled the rod from the ground and ripped off his weaponized tail. He grabbed it and slung the needle into Rhino's thick hyde. Aleksi winced in pain as he felt the needle enter him, and he felt the hot venom slowly enter his body.
   He began to feel dizzy. He looked at Max in anger. "What....what done?" Aleksi looked around at his dead comrades and began to feel his conscience slowly fade out.
   Electro smirked and threw the rod down. "A large debt repaid."
   Aleksi grabbed the needle in anger and slammed it into Max's abdomen. Electro had never been stabbed before. This felt...strange... He fell to the ground, which made the needle go through him. He clung to his life as he watched Aleksi's eyes fill with blood, and the venom slowly do it's work.
   It was over.
   Peter finally managed to get Otto's unconscious body off of him. He ran over to Harry and Gwen and helped them up. They call couldn't stand to see their bodies. Smoke everywhere...quickly and gruesomely murdered. It made them feel sick.
   Pete ran over to Max and supported his head. He already had blood dripping from his mouth. He wasn't going to stay alive for much longer. Harry and Gwen went to go check on Felicia, Kurt, and Otto.
   Peter shook his head in confusement. "Max...what did you do that for?"
   Kraven chuckled through his excruciating pain. Blood flew from his mouth onto the floor. "It was the only way we were gonna win..." He grabbed Pete by his suit. "It was the only way....I to win... Did I get them...all?"
   Peter looked over at Rhino's humongous body. Blood poured from his corpse's head. He looked away quickly and nodded at him. "You got them, Electro. You got them."
   "Please," he responded while he held up his hand, "call me Max... Electro doesn't suit me anymore... no longer has a meaning to me."
   Peter tried not to cry as this man died in his arms. "Of course, Max. Of course."
   Max chuckled with blood in his mouth. "At're"
   Peter shook his head as a single tear flowed down his cheek. "No, no...Max, you're getting out of this. We're...we're gonna get you to a hospital and everything's gonna be okay..."
   Max chuckled one more time. "You..are...a...good man...Parker....I'm sorry..." Electro gave his last breath.
   "Max?" No response. "Electro?!" Peter closed his eyes in guilt and shut Max's eyelids. Another tear rolled down his cheek as he set his former enemy down.
   Gwen and Harry walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. Their emotions were relief mixed with grief mixed with...everything. Kurt, still in his Lizard form, and Felicia limped over to them. They all looked at each other with sorrowful smiles.
   "So..." Gwen said, "...what now?"

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