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I lean against the bar, my eyes skimming the crowd, and a smile finds its way onto my lips at the way people are laughing, talking quietly, the ambiance of the room amplified by the couples swaying slowly to the soft piano music. My shoulders relax, a genuine smile taking over my face as I let out a breath, my nervousness gone. I like this job already.

"Hey, Jimin."

Hoseok, the manager, gives me a wide smile over the bar, and I straighten, walking over to him. "Hi, Hoseok."

"How are you doing?" His eyes scan the bottles behind me, counting probably. "Everyone seems happy."

"Yup, I think I'm doing okay." I give him a grin, then remember my question. "Oh. Where are the drink umbrellas?"

He chuckles. "Can't believe I didn't show you, I'm so stupid. Under the bar, next to the towels."

I glance under the bar, then shook Hoseok a grin. "Thanks. That's all I had, I think."

"You're doing great. Seriously, we really needed someone and it seems like you'll fit right in here." Hoseok gives me another bright smile. "Just give me a yell if you need anything. I'll be in the back."


He disappears and I watch him disappear through the double doors leading to the kitchen, then my eyes fall on the slim shoulders of the man sitting at the small piano next to the doors, tilting my head as I watch him away back and forth to the music, caught up in whatever he's playing. I smile a bit, watching him, the way he's so absorbed in his music, and it's a moment before I force myself to look away, eyes skimming the crowd again, noticing several college-age girls having just taken a seat at the bar.

"Hey, what can I get for you?" I give them a bright smile and the girls all grin, glancing at each other, and one giggles slightly.

"We'll all take beers."

"Could I see your ID?"

More giggling as they shuffle through their credit cards, and I glance at the cards before handing them back, leaning on the bar, smiling. "What beer?"

"What do you suggest?" One of them tucks a strand of curly hair behind her hear, giving me a small smile, and I nod, turning to glance at the taps behind me.

"I personally like Dos Equis, but we have an autumn ale that's popular right now."

"Dos Equis," the girl's eyes linger on my face and I nod, filling a glass, sliding it over as the other girls echo her and I fill several more glasses.

"Here you are, ladies." I give them a grin, leaning on the bar between us. "Let me know if you need anything else, hm?"

They grin, and one of them is giggling again as I turn away, reaching for a cloth under the bar to wipe the drink rings left by a customer when my eyes meet a pair of dark grey ones, scrutinizing me so openly that I'm caught off guard, staring back, and it takes me a moment to realize that it's the guy who was at the piano, his dark hair slightly tousled, ears and fingers laden with rings, shirt half unbuttoned in a way that almost, but not quite, exposes his chest: a sharp contrast with his gentle features.

I glance at the piano to be sure, but it's obviously him, and I walk over, setting the towel under the bar again as I give him a grin. "Hey, what can I get for you?"

He's silent, those dark eyes scrutinizing me so openly that I almost want to turn away to avoid their gaze, unsure what it is about his grey irises that unnerve me slightly.

"Tequila on the rocks."

His voice is low, almost gravelly, and I blink, not expecting that voice from that soft face, and he just blinks slowly, waiting, and I turn to fill the glass, sliding it across the bar to him.

"One tequila on the rocks." I give him a grin and he doesn't react in any way, his face a perfect mask as he lifts the glass to his lips, letting the drink roll around on his tongue before he swallows it.

I reach for the towel under the bar, wiping at the shiny wood as I speak. "I'm Jimin, by the way. Just started today." I give him a bright smile and he nods.

"Hoseok told me."

Well then. "You're the piano boy," I say the words lightly, playfully, and he looks up at me, those grey eyes meeting mine again.

"You flirt for your tips." It's an observation, not a judgement, and I blink, caught off guard for a minute before I smile, shrugging a bit.

"Quick observation. Guilty as charged." I grin at him, leaning on the other side of the bar as he takes another small sip of his tequila, throwing him a playful wink. "What's your name?"

He's silent for another moment, and I almost expect him to not answer me when he downs the rest of his drink, standing, necklaces and earrings jangling slightly. "Yoongi."

I don't want him to go yet. He's intriguing, the few words and the stoicism, and I wonder how I can make that calm façade crack. "That was The Script you were playing earlier, wasn't it?"

He pauses, turning toward me again, and I can see in his eyes that his interest is piqued. I give him a grin, leaning my chin on my hand. "For the First Time."

He nods, and it's a moment before he speaks. "You know who they are?"

"I was raised on that stuff! The Script, Train, The Fray..." I give him a half smile. "That's when music was real."

He tilts his head at me, and it's a moment before he nods, a slight upward turn of the corners of his lips making his face seem softer, more open. "Yeah. They're amazing."

I grin, nodding, and it's silent for another moment before I break it, smiling playfully. "I guess I'll see you, Piano Boy."

He nods, his face impassive, and I watch as he turns, walking away without another word, and I can't help tilting my head at his back, a small smile pulling at my lips.

He's interesting. Someone hard to get to, someone closed off to the world, someone unwilling to let his guard drop. Min Yoongi.

I like him already.


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