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• Yoongi •

"I still can't believe you'd never seen The Fault in Our Stars! Where have you been living, under a rock?" Jimin laughs, his fingers squeezing mine as we walk down the street slowly, making our way to the night's work at Blue Sky as the sun begins to fade behind the buildings of the city.

"Well, obviously you're behind in pop culture. You're so lucky you have me to fix you!" His whole face lights up as he laughs, and I shake my head, a smile pulling at my lips as my fingers instinctively tighten around his.

"Narcissism," I say, glancing at him sideways, and he laughs out loud, throwing his head back, slowing us down as he shakes his head, his eyes happy half moons as he still grins.

"You're just - I mean, I'm not a narcissist, let's just say I'm aware of how amazing I am." He laughs again, shaking his head. "Have you at least seen Five Feet Apart?"

I shake my head and Jimin stops in his tracks, his eyes wide, expression slightly exaggerated as he gapes at me. "No."

A laugh bubbles up in my throat, and I push it down, managing to suppress it but somehow not the smile tugging at my mouth. Jimin grins at me, his eyes happy, and he falls into step beside me, his tone playful. "I cannot figure you out, Min Yoongi. How have you not seen these movies?"

"Haven't had time," I reply, shrugging slightly, and Jimin grins.

"Well, you need to make time in the next few weeks so we can watch them together."

We approach Blue Sky, the fading light of the sunset barely illuminating the light blue door, and Jimin reaches for the handle, holding it open for us. "You'll wait for me to walk home, right?"

"Yeah." I give him a small smile and his fingers tighten around mine, his eyes bright with happiness.

"Great. I'll bring you that tequila on the rocks after I wipe down the bar and organize the glasses." His fingers squeeze mine once more, before loosening so I can pull away, and I nod, walking over to the upright piano in the corner.

"Yoongs!" Hoseok appears out of nowhere as I sit at the piano, and he widens his eyes at me, leaning on the top of the upright as he lowers his voice, a grin pulling at his lips. "You were not just holding hands with Jimin."

I nod slightly, my face burning, and he squeaks slightly, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "What? When did this happen? Did you - oh my god, you confessed, didn't you?!"

I shoot him a glare, shaking my head, my tone casual even though my face burns and my chest feels like it's about to burst with happiness. "It's just holding hands."

"Just holding ha - Min Yoongi, friends don't just hold hands."

"We do." I glance at the bar and the blonde catches my eye, flashing me a smile as he reaches for a glass, filling it with ice.

Hoseok groans. "You guys are literally going to kill me. You like each other, just admit it and get together already."

"Hi Hoseok!" Jimin grins at him, setting a napkin down as he places the glass on top of the upright. "How was your movie yesterday?" He shoots me a playful wink, and I flush, a smile pulling at my lips.

Hoseok doesn't miss a beat. "The early showing of Wall-E? It was great, Taehyung kissed me every time the robots even appeared on screen." He grins, raising his eyebrows. "How was your day?"

"Yoongi and I just went out for coffee and a movie. Not Wall-E." Jimin laughs and Hoseok widens his eyes.

"Coffee and a movie, huh? That sounds like a great da - "

I kick him under the piano and he chuckles. "Day. I was going to say day, Yoongi, don't freak out on me. What else would I have said?"

My face burns as Jimin tilts his head at us, then shoots me another bright smile. "I'm going back to the bar. Take a break later, yeah?"

"I will." I take a sip of tequila, letting the bitterness roll over my tongue as I watch the slim blonde make his way back to the bar, my eyes drinking in the slim black jeans and tight white shirt, and Hoseok grins, leaning over to push my shoulder slightly.

"Are you checking out Jimin's ass?"

I choke, spluttering tequila, and Hoseok dies of laughter as I shake my head, my face impossibly hot as I look away from Hoseok, my eyes unfortunately going to the man still walking away from us, and now that Hoseok's said it I can't help my eyes straying, and I cough, looking away.

"I hate you."

Hoseok grins. "Love you too, Yoongles. Tell you what, when you take your break, tell Jimin I'll cover the bar for him and you two can go home early. Get dinner or something."

I almost choke again. "No - Hoseok - "

"Actually - " Hoseok turns toward the bar, practically yelling so Jimin can hear him over the noise in the kitchen. "Jimin, you and Yoongi can leave at nine, take an early night and get dinner or something."

Jimin blinks, startled, but nods in response. "Nine?"

"Yeah, and make sure you eat before you go home," Hoseok grins and Jimin nods, a smile pulling at his lips as he glances at me. My face burns, and I kick Hoseok again.

"Stop being abusive. I just got you a date, you're welcome." Hoseok grins at me. "Have fun with lover boy."

"We're not - " Hoseok has already disappeared into the kitchen and I let out a breath, my stomach already full of butterflies of anticipation, and I glance at the slim blonde wiping down the bar in preparation for the customers tonight.

His earrings shine in the light, and he pushes his bangs out of his eyes, multiple rings glittering on his fingers as he glances up, meeting my eyes, and my face heats as he just grins, shooting me a small wave, before he turns to arrange the glasses on the shelf behind him.

My eyes stray downward, and I'd never thought about it until Hoseok said it, and as it runs through my mind my cheeks heat until I'm sure they're about to combust.

Jimin does have a really nice ass.

Damn it, Hoseok.


Hope you enjoyed~ Sorry it's unedited.

Thanks for reading.

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