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Yoongi •

I lean against a column supporting the ceiling, wrinkling my nose at the way Taehyung is nuzzling Hoseok's neck. "When is this guy going to be here anyway?"

Taehyung pulls his face from Hoseok's neck, and Hoseok is pink, giggling slightly as he leans into Taehyung's arms. "He's always late, give him like ten minutes."

"Why invite him if he's just going to be late," I mutter under my breath, crossing my arms over my chest and looking away from the two boys as Taehyung is whispering in Hoseok's ear, Hoseok's blush deepening. They're even worse than normal today. Figures. I glance over the people in the food court, my bad mood increasing with each couple. What is this, a couple destination?

"You good, Yoongs?" Hoseok pulls away from Taehyung slightly, blinking at me expectantly, and I shrug.

"I was fired from one of my diner jobs this morning."

"What?" Hoseok pulls fully away from Taehyung, a crease forming as he frowns. "What happened??"

"Doesn't matter. Manager is an ass." I shrug, looking away from Hoseok, because I'm not going to mention losing my temper when the manager was blaming me for an issue she caused. "It's whatever, I'll get another job."

"I'm sorry, Yoongs." Hoseok leans against Taehyung again, and Taehyung kisses his ear lightly, eyes still on me, almost as if he doesn't realize he's doing it. "You should take this chance, though, Yoongi. Take a break from working - was it six jobs?"

"Five now." I frown. "I need them all, Hoseok."

"Just a thought. You're going to work yourself to death at this point." Hoseok's eyes wander away from me. "TaeTae, he's finally here."

Taehyung laughs. "I told you. Chronically late."

"Good thing he's early for work, at least," Hoseok grins up at Taehyung and Taehyung chuckles, giving him a kiss. I turn my head slightly, glancing in the direction Hoseok was looking, and my stomach drops for some reason as I recognize the slim figure, the wavy blond curls, the soft features.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Jimin shoots a grin at Taehyung as he reaches us, running his fingers through his tousled hair. "You wouldn't believe this guy Jamie's going out with, he's insanely - " He glances at me, then blinks. "Hey, Yoongi!"

I nod response, and Jimin flashes me a grin. "I didn't realize it was you that would be third wheeling with me! Taehyung never tells me anything."

Taehyung protests and Jimin laughs, stepping closer to me, his eyes crinkling. "You look really good, I like that shirt."

I blink, glancing down at my oversized sweater. It's nothing special, just a white sweater, yet he's still complimenting my clothing. What's up with him and my clothes?

"I want to go to the shoe store," Taehyung leans his chin on Hoseok's shoulder, and Jimin wrinkles his nose.

"How about we split? I want Yoongi to help me pick out clothes, he's got amazing fashion sense."

Hoseok blinks at me, hesitant even as Taehyung nods. "You good with that, Yoongs?"

I shrug, my face warming with embarrassment at the concern on Hoseok's face: he knows how uncomfortable I am in crowds without him. "It's fine."

"Have fun," Taehyung is already tugging Hoseok away, probably eager to have him alone for once, and I frown slightly, unsure what I'm supposed to do now.

"You want to help me pick out clothes? I need to redo my wardrobe."

I glance at Jimin, and he gives me a soft smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners as his cheeks round out, making his whole face more gentle, and I look away, remembering his words to me the other night. You're cute, and with that fashion sense, I'd think you'd be in pretty high demand.

"We could also just eat frozen yogurt in the food court while Hoseok and Taehyung make out for a couple hours in some shoe store."

I look at him, unable to help a tiny grin at that, and Jimin's face lights up. "Hey, you smiled." He grins up at me, tilting his head. "So frozen yogurt?"

I shake my head. "I can help you shop."

"Awesome. What stores do you like?"

I shrug, and Jimin laughs lightly. "I need your opinion here, Yoon, or else I'm going to be stuck with my horrible fashion sense forever."

Yoon. I blink, caught off guard, and Jimin catches the surprise in my face, grimacing. "Ah, sorry, Taehyung always says I get too friendly, too fast."

"It's fine," I almost don't notice I'm talking until after I've said the words, and I look away from Jimin, because I don't know what this blonde, small barkeep is doing to me. "You okay with Hollister?"

Jimin lights up, his lips curved upward, eyes bright. "Yeah! Tell you what, after you help me pick out a couple things, I'll treat to ice cream or something."

I can't help a small smile as I follow him further into the mall, glad that his back is to me so he can't see the smile on my lips. "Sure."

Jimin turns around to grin at me, walking backward, his step bouncy. "You don't say much, do you?"

My face warms slightly and I shake my head, giving a small shrug. Jimin nods, slowing to fall into step beside me, his smile constant, blinding. "I like it. It really shows how thoughtful you are."

I tilt my head, glancing at his profile, and he catches my eye, his eyes crinkling as he looks at me. "I'm really glad I've started to work at Blue Sky. You're a great person."

My face heats, and I look away, turning into Hollister, hoping that Jimin can't see the blush burning across my cheeks as I thumb through the racks, my hands unsteady.

Damn it.


Hm...how do you think this shopping trip will go?

Thanks for reading! It means a lot.

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